Ketika sore menjelang maghrib, sebuah keluarga yang akan berbuka, tetapi mereka hanya dapat duduk, termangu. Sang ayah, hanya dapat memandangi keluarganya, isteri, anak, dan seorang cucunya. Keluarga itu tidak jauh dari Jakarta. Seperti sedang bingung. Karena, nyaris tak ada hidangan yang dapat di santap, saat berbuka. Itu peristiwa Ramadhan tahun lalu, sebuah keluarga yang kurang berhasil dalam hidupnya.
Maghrib, keluarga yang miskin itu, hanyalah dapat menikmati hidangan, singkong rebus, dan tempe. Masing-masing hanyalah makan tiga potong singkong dan sepotong tempe. Barangkali itulah hidangan satu-satunya yang dinikmatinya saat berbuka.
Kehidupan memang tidak ramah bagi orang-orang yang miskin diperkotaan. Kehidupan mereka tentu sangat berbeda, terutama bagi mereka yang dapat menikmati buka puasa di hotel-hotel yang mewah, yang menyajikan bebagai menu.
Entah sudah berubah atau belum nasib keluarga itu? Mungkin tidak, dan tetap miskin. Karena, kepala keluarga itu, hanyalah seorang kuli galian, yang tidak mungkin nasibnya dapat berubah dengan mendadak. Tetap saja. Setiap pagi berjalan kaki mengelilingi komplek, dan terkadang duduk dipinggir jalan, menunggu siapa yang saja akan memperkerjakannya. Terkadang, seharian tidak ada yang mengajak bekerja. Entah bagaimana nasib selanjutnya.
Hanya saja seperti yang pernah diucapkannya, kehidupan yang dialami itu sudah berlangsung dalam waktu yang lama. Nasibnya tak hendak berubah. Isterinya menjadi buruh cuci, di tetangganya dengan gaji Rp 300.000 rupiah setiap bulan. Tidak cukup untuk membiayai anaknya yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah SD. Menantunya seorang buruh, yang baru saja terkena PHK, dan belum mendapatkan pekerjaaan lagi. Sekarang pabrik-pabrik sangat jarang mau menerima pekerja laki.
Suatu malam menjelang pukul 03.00 dini hari, saat akan melakukan sahur, ibunya hanya mampu menyuguhkan menu yang tetap, singkong dan tempe, bagi mereka yang berlima. Tentunya, mereka harus tetap berpuasa, dan menahan keinginan untuk makan yang lebih enak, seperti telur dan daging.
Kehidupan keluarga itu, hanya dapat memakan daging, barangkali hanyalah setahun sekali, saat di bulan haji, yaitu Idul 'Adha. Tetangganya masih ada yang berbaik hati, memberikan daging korban. Selebihnya tidak pernah lagi merasakan daging.
Entahlah bagaimana kehidupan di bulan Ramadhan tahun ini? Keluarga itu sangat bersahaja. Kehidupan yang dihadapinya penuh dengan derita. Keluarga itu tidak berpendidikan. Anak-anaknya hanyalah lulusan SMP atau SD. Anaknya yang baru lulus SMP, bekerja di sebuah loundry (tempat perusahaan cuci/strika), sehari hanya digaji Rp 10.000 rupiah. Terus setiap hari disuruh mencuci karpet. Tidak kuat pisiknya, dan akhirnya keluar dari tempat kerjanya. Anak perempuannya dipecat dari pabrik, karena tidak masuk kerja, gara-gara anaknya yang masih kecil sakit.
Seperti sudah menjadi rutinitas setiap tahun menjelang Ramadhan, semua harga kebutuhan pokok langsung melambung. Tidak ada kebutuhan pokok, yang harganya stabil. Semua naik. Apalagi, sekarang ini kenaikan itu dipicu dengan kenaikan tarif dasar listrik (TDL), dan para penimbun dan pengusaha dengan sikapnya yang mereka miliki, sudah menaikkan harga-harga yang ada. Kenaikkan TDL itu menjadi dasar alasan mereka untuk menaikkan harga-harga kebutuhan pokok. Semuanya mencekik rakyat kecil, yang tanpa penghasilan yang jelas.
Tetapi, semuanya masa bodoh, tidak peduli, dan kehidupan tetap berlangsung. Orang kaya dengan gaya hidupnya sendiri. Tetap menikmati gaya hidup kelas tinggi, di hotel, cape, apartemen, dan hidangan yang serba mewah, bahkan makanan mereka tersisa, dan dibuang, dan menjadi rebutan orang-orang miskin, yang mencari sisa-sisa makanan di bak-bak sampah.
Negeri yang tidak memiliki belas kasihan kepada orang-orang miskin, dan membiarkan orang-orang miskin dengan kehidupannya sendiri. Kembali mereka menjelang Ramadhan hanya dapat menikmati singkong dan tempe, yang mereka gunakan berbuka dan sahur.
Ketakwaanlah yang membangkitkan hati sehingga bisa dan mampu melaksanakan kewajiban puasa. Taqwa juga yang menjaga hati dari kemaksiatan yang merusak puasa. Taqwa manjadi tujuan akhir dari jiwa dan puasa merupakan jalan menujunya. Inilah ungkapan indah al-Quran dengan kalimat la allakum tattaqun (agar kamu menjadi orang yang bertakwa).Ibadah puasa menjadi titian menuju dermaga takwa. Ketakwaan merupakan jelmaan dari bentuk pengakuan akan status kehambaan seorang manusia kepada Tuhan. Ketakwaan merupakan pakaian dan keimanan, karena iman tidak akan memiliki nilai, bobot, dan makna apa pun jika tidak ditutupi dengan busana taqwa. Di sinilah tepatnya ungkapan al-iman uryan walibasuhu al-taqwa (iman itu telanjang dan busananya adalah takwa). Dengan demikian, para ulama mendefinisikan takwa menjadi kepatuhan, dalam menjalankan semua perintah Allah dan menjauhi segala larangan-Nya.
Puasa merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari takwa yang terakumulasi dari terjemahan titah transendental Tuhan. Secara etimologi (lughawi), puasa (al-shaum) memiliki arti al-imsak (menahan). Pengertian spesifiknya (istilah) adalah menahan diri dari makan dan minum dan segala yang membatalkan puasa, dari mulai terbit fajar hingga tenggelamnya mentari. Ini artinya, berpuasa adalah usaha menahan diri dari perilaku konsumtif yang terlambangkan oleh perut dan tenggorokan.
Puasa adalah pengendalian diri sikap hedonistis dan berlebihan, yang tersimbol dari keinginan nafsu yang tidak bermuara. Adalah maklum bahwa segala keinginan perut jelas tak mungkin untuk dibatasi, karena Rasul sendiri sudah menganalogikan perut dengan bumi. Jika bumi menerima segala apa pun yang tertumpah di atasnya, perut juga menampung apa saja yang dimasukkan ke dalamnya.
Imam Abu Hamid al-Ghazali dalam bukunya Minhaj al-Abidin menulis, perumpamaan yang indah tentang urgensi mengendalikan perut. al-Ghazali mengulas ungkapan teks hadits yang disabdakan Rasul, "Jangan matikan hatimu dengan banyak mengkonsumsi makanan dan minuman, karena hati akan mati seperti tanaman yang mati karena kebanyakan air siraman".
Dari sabda Rasul ini, para shalihin (orang-orang saleh) mengumpamakan lambung seperti kuali yang berada di bawah hati. Kuali itu selalu mendidih dan asapnya menerpa hati. Jika kebanyakan asap yang menyelimuti hati, ia akan mengeruh dan menghitam. Jika hati selalu keruh dan hitam, kejahatan menjadi kawan sejolinya. Syahwat duniawi menutupi gumpalan hati hingga mematikan nurani.
Target Ramadhan
Sebagai momen pencapaian derajat Taqwa, Ramadhan adalah saat-saat penting yang sangat spesial bonusnya. Pahala di bulan suci ini semuanya dilipat-gandakan. Segala ketatnya larangan saat berpuasa seolah ingin diganjar mahal oleh Allah SWT. Segala macam keutamaan bulan suci Ramadhan dan Shaum Ramadhan sangat mudah kita temukan rujukan hadits-nya. Seolah Nabi Muhammad Saw tak henti-hentinya mengajak ummatnya memanfaatkan bulan penting ini untuk meraih keutamaan.
Khusus bagi kita muslimah, dan juga bagi keluarga muslim, sebenarnya apa saja yang dapat kita kejar untuk meraih segala keutamaan tersebut?
Rencanakanlah Ramadhan keluarga anda.
Ya, rencanakanlah. Jangan biarkan anda bersusah payah merencanakan Idul Fitri dengan segala kemewahannya tapi bahkan tidak memikirkan bagaimana Ramadhan akan dijalankan.
Bagi keluarga kecil dengan anak balita, maka program tilawah, baik mendengarkan maupun membaca Al-Qur’an bersama-sama, merupakan program yang mudah untuk direncanakan. Tilawah Al Qur’an yang diperdengarkan merupakan salah satu Sunnah Nabi Saw. Konon beliau sering meminta para sahabat tertentu untuk khusus membacakan Al Qur’an untuk beliau (Saw). Jika Nabi yang mulia saja begitu inginnya untuk mendengarkan Al-Qur’an, mengapa kita tidak? Bagi kita, membiasakan si kecil sejak masih belia untuk mendengarkan lantunan ayat-ayat suci merupakan pelajaran penting. Buatlah suasana menyenangkan sebelum program ini dilaksanakan, kemudian perlihatkanlah sikap tenang sepanjang acara berlangsung.

Lakukan setiap hari pada jam-jam yang terpilih sesuai tenangnya suasana rumah dan saat mereka (atau dia) masih terjaga. Anda mungkin tak akan melihat hasilnya dengan segera, apalagi jika buah hati anda masih sangat kecil. Namun yakinlah, apapun yang dibacakan akan segera menembus relung hati insani miliknya dan kelak (Insya Allah) akan menunjukkan pengaruhnya yang kuat. Jiwa yang fitrah tak akan mengingkari kebenaran, dan Al Qur’an adalah suara kebenaran.
Targetkanlah bahwa Ramadhan yg 10-kdua ini anda bangun setiap malam untuk bermunajat kepada Allah SWT. Meskipun anda berhalangan karena haid, tidak mengapa anda tetap bangun untuk beristighfar, bershalawat dan berdoa. Jika satu program ini saja anda berhasil menjalankannya, maka Insya Allah hidup anda selanjutnya akan berubah total. Karena sesungguhnya, orang yang bergerak mencari Allah selangkah, maka Allah akan Menemuinya dengan langkah yang lebih banyak dan lebih cepat. Masih banyak program lain untuk anda, misalnya bertekad memperbaiki bacaan Tajwid AlQur’an anda, atau bertekad mempelajari toipik-tpopik tertentu seara mendalam, misalnya tentang kiamat da lain sebagainya.
Sebagai petunjuk kehidupan dan berbagai penjelasannya, Al Quran meliputi seluruh aspek kehidupan dan seluruh persoalan manusia. Sebab Al Quran itu menjelaskan segala sesuatu. Allah SWT berfirman :
“dan kami turunkan kepadamu Al Kitab (Al Quran) untuk menjelaskan segala sesuatu dan petunjuk serta rahmat dan kabar gembira bagi orang-orang yang berserah diri”. ( QS. An Nahl 89).
Selainmenerangkan tentang alam semesta, manusia, dan kehidupan, berbagai perkara di hari qiyamat, dan pandangan hidup haq dan lurus maupun jalan-jalan yang sesat dan batil, Al Quran juga menerangkan berbagai jawaban atas masalah-masalah kehidupan, baik kehidupan pribadi, kehidupan masyarakat, maupun kehidupan bangsa dan negara.
Sebagai contoh, dalam menjawab pertanyaan tentang darah haid Al Quran menerangkan bahwa itu adalah penyakit dan sekaligus bagaimana petunjuk hubungan suami istri (QS. Al Baqarah 222). Dalam menjawab pertanyaan tentang harta rampasan perang, Al Quran menerangkan bahwa harta rampasan perang itu (al anfal) pembagiannya diserahkan kepada Alllah dan rasul-Nya (QS. Al Anfal 1).
Ketika menghadapi pertanyaan orang-orang Anshar kenapa Nabi saw membagi harta rampasan (fai’i) dari Yahudi Bani Nadlir kepada seluruh kaum Muhajirin dan tidak kepada orang-orang Anshar, kecuali dua orang fakir saja di antara mereka, maka Al Quran menerangkan hal itu adalah agar harta tidak berputar-putar di kalangan orang kaya saja (QS. Al Hasyr 7).
Dan secara mendasar Al Quran menerangkan bahwa konsep pemilikan yang hakiki adalah bahwa semua harta di dunia ini milik Allah, dan manusia bisa memiliki harta lantaran ada izin dari Allah (QS. An Nuur 33 dan Al Hadid 7), Dalam mengelola harta Al Quran menerangkan halalnya jual beli dan haramnya riba (QS. Al Baqarah 275).
Dan dalam mengelola perekonomian dan sumberdaya alam dalam negeri, Al Quran menerangkan tentang larangan dan bahayanya infestasi asing dari kaum kafir imperialis yang akan menghasilkan eksploitasi dan hegemoni ekonomi atas umat dan bangsa ini (QS. An Nisa 141). Dalam masalah membuat hukum dan perundangan, Al Quran menerangkan bahwa itu adalah hak prerogratif Allah SWT Sebaik-baik Pengambil Keputusan (QS. Al An’am 57) sedangkan manusia sekedar memahami dan menjalankannya.
Tentu masih banyak lagi yang diterangkan Al Quran sebagai petunjuk hidup, bahkan satu-satunya petunjuk hidup, bagi manusia sehingga manusia bisa hidup baik, sejahtera, dan bahagia di dunia maupun di akhirat dan selamat dari api neraka. Pantaslah kalau Allah SWT menyatakan kesempurnaan dinul Islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad saw. dalam firman-Nya :
“…pada hari Ini Telah Kusempurnakan untuk kamu agamamu, dan Telah Ku-cukupkan kepadamu nikmat-Ku, dan Telah Ku-ridhai Islam itu jadi agama bagimu… (QS. Al Maidah 3).”
Juga janji Allah SWT yang telah mengutus rasul-Nya dan dinul Islam yang haq untuk Dia menangkan atas din-din yang lain, sebagaimana firman-Nya: Dia-lah yang mengutus rasul-Nya dengan membawa petunjuk dan agama yang hak agar dimenangkan-Nya terhadap semua agama. dan cukuplah Allah sebagai saksi. (QS. Al Fath 28).
Dengan kelengkapan dan kesempurnaan petunjuk hidup manusia yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah saw. maka pantaslah baginda Rasulullah saw. berhasil membangun umat dan negara yang kuat di kota Madinah dan dalam tempo 10 tahun berhasil menyatukan seluruh wilayah jazirah Arab yang sekarang terdiri dari 7 negara (Arab Saudi, Kuwait, Yaman, Uni Emirat Arab, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain) dalam satu kesatuan negara dan umat, yakni Islam dimana Rasulullah saw. sebagai Nabi sekaligus kepala negaranya.
Dan para sahabat yang merupakan generasi yang dibimbing dan digembleng oleh Rasulullah saw. dengan kurikulum Al Quran dan As Sunnah menjadi umat paling unggul di dunia (khairu ummah, QS. Ali Imran 110) yang pasca wafatnya Rasulullah saw tidak stagnan, apalagi mundur dan bubar, tapi malah berhasil meraih kejayaan dan melakukan berbagai pembebasan hingga berhasil menaklukkan tirani adidaya Persia dan Rumawi pada tahun 15 Hijriyyah (lima tahun bakda wafatnya Rasulullah saw.) di bawah kepemimpinan Khalifah Umar bin Al Khaththab r.a.
Di bulan Ramadhan, bulan diturunkannya Al Quran ini, para ulama dan pimpinan umat hendaknya bertekad untuk membangun kembali umat dan negara ini dengan petunjuk Al Quran sebagaimana dulu Rasulullah saw. dan para Khulafaur Rasyidin membangun umat dan negaranya. Dan dalam hal ini, para ulama dan pimpinan umat harus bersikap kaffah dalam menerangkan dan mengajak umat menjadikan Al Quran sebagai petunjuk hidup bagi umat dan negara ini.
Umat dan negara ini tidak boleh membeda-bedakan penerimaan dan pengamalan ayat-ayat Al Quran antara satu ayat dengan ayat yang lain. Artinya, ayat “kutiba alaikumus shiyam” diterima dan diamalkan apa adanya sebagaimana ayat “kutiba alaikuml qital”…dan lain-lain. Seluruh ayat al Quran adalah satu kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan yang dengan berpegang teguh padanya umat Islam akan menjadi umat terbaik (khairu ummah).
Baarakallahu lii walakum
Ya Allah, teguhkan hati kami agar selalu bersungguh-sungguh dalam melakukan amal ibadah untuk meraih derajat taqwa dalam tiap detik sisa waktu Ramadhan yang Kau anugerahkan pada kami. Jangan biarkan Ramadhan meninggalkan kami tanpa ada perubahan diri kami menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik di hadapan Engkau.
Ya Allah, tumbuhkan dan kekalkan dalam jiwa kami, semangat untuk selalu memperbaharui penampilan ruhani kami agar menjadi lebih baik dari waktu ke waktu hingga layak Engkau cintai dan ridhai, amiin.
Khusus bagi kita muslimah, dan juga bagi keluarga muslim, sebenarnya apa saja yang dapat kita kejar untuk meraih segala keutamaan tersebut?
Rencanakanlah Ramadhan keluarga anda.
Ya, rencanakanlah. Jangan biarkan anda bersusah payah merencanakan Idul Fitri dengan segala kemewahannya tapi bahkan tidak memikirkan bagaimana Ramadhan akan dijalankan.
Bagi keluarga kecil dengan anak balita, maka program tilawah, baik mendengarkan maupun membaca Al-Qur’an bersama-sama, merupakan program yang mudah untuk direncanakan. Tilawah Al Qur’an yang diperdengarkan merupakan salah satu Sunnah Nabi Saw. Konon beliau sering meminta para sahabat tertentu untuk khusus membacakan Al Qur’an untuk beliau (Saw). Jika Nabi yang mulia saja begitu inginnya untuk mendengarkan Al-Qur’an, mengapa kita tidak? Bagi kita, membiasakan si kecil sejak masih belia untuk mendengarkan lantunan ayat-ayat suci merupakan pelajaran penting. Buatlah suasana menyenangkan sebelum program ini dilaksanakan, kemudian perlihatkanlah sikap tenang sepanjang acara berlangsung.
Lakukan setiap hari pada jam-jam yang terpilih sesuai tenangnya suasana rumah dan saat mereka (atau dia) masih terjaga. Anda mungkin tak akan melihat hasilnya dengan segera, apalagi jika buah hati anda masih sangat kecil. Namun yakinlah, apapun yang dibacakan akan segera menembus relung hati insani miliknya dan kelak (Insya Allah) akan menunjukkan pengaruhnya yang kuat. Jiwa yang fitrah tak akan mengingkari kebenaran, dan Al Qur’an adalah suara kebenaran.
Targetkanlah bahwa Ramadhan yg 10-kdua ini anda bangun setiap malam untuk bermunajat kepada Allah SWT. Meskipun anda berhalangan karena haid, tidak mengapa anda tetap bangun untuk beristighfar, bershalawat dan berdoa. Jika satu program ini saja anda berhasil menjalankannya, maka Insya Allah hidup anda selanjutnya akan berubah total. Karena sesungguhnya, orang yang bergerak mencari Allah selangkah, maka Allah akan Menemuinya dengan langkah yang lebih banyak dan lebih cepat. Masih banyak program lain untuk anda, misalnya bertekad memperbaiki bacaan Tajwid AlQur’an anda, atau bertekad mempelajari toipik-tpopik tertentu seara mendalam, misalnya tentang kiamat da lain sebagainya.
Sebagai petunjuk kehidupan dan berbagai penjelasannya, Al Quran meliputi seluruh aspek kehidupan dan seluruh persoalan manusia. Sebab Al Quran itu menjelaskan segala sesuatu. Allah SWT berfirman :
“dan kami turunkan kepadamu Al Kitab (Al Quran) untuk menjelaskan segala sesuatu dan petunjuk serta rahmat dan kabar gembira bagi orang-orang yang berserah diri”. ( QS. An Nahl 89).
Selainmenerangkan tentang alam semesta, manusia, dan kehidupan, berbagai perkara di hari qiyamat, dan pandangan hidup haq dan lurus maupun jalan-jalan yang sesat dan batil, Al Quran juga menerangkan berbagai jawaban atas masalah-masalah kehidupan, baik kehidupan pribadi, kehidupan masyarakat, maupun kehidupan bangsa dan negara.
Sebagai contoh, dalam menjawab pertanyaan tentang darah haid Al Quran menerangkan bahwa itu adalah penyakit dan sekaligus bagaimana petunjuk hubungan suami istri (QS. Al Baqarah 222). Dalam menjawab pertanyaan tentang harta rampasan perang, Al Quran menerangkan bahwa harta rampasan perang itu (al anfal) pembagiannya diserahkan kepada Alllah dan rasul-Nya (QS. Al Anfal 1).
Ketika menghadapi pertanyaan orang-orang Anshar kenapa Nabi saw membagi harta rampasan (fai’i) dari Yahudi Bani Nadlir kepada seluruh kaum Muhajirin dan tidak kepada orang-orang Anshar, kecuali dua orang fakir saja di antara mereka, maka Al Quran menerangkan hal itu adalah agar harta tidak berputar-putar di kalangan orang kaya saja (QS. Al Hasyr 7).
Dan secara mendasar Al Quran menerangkan bahwa konsep pemilikan yang hakiki adalah bahwa semua harta di dunia ini milik Allah, dan manusia bisa memiliki harta lantaran ada izin dari Allah (QS. An Nuur 33 dan Al Hadid 7), Dalam mengelola harta Al Quran menerangkan halalnya jual beli dan haramnya riba (QS. Al Baqarah 275).
Dan dalam mengelola perekonomian dan sumberdaya alam dalam negeri, Al Quran menerangkan tentang larangan dan bahayanya infestasi asing dari kaum kafir imperialis yang akan menghasilkan eksploitasi dan hegemoni ekonomi atas umat dan bangsa ini (QS. An Nisa 141). Dalam masalah membuat hukum dan perundangan, Al Quran menerangkan bahwa itu adalah hak prerogratif Allah SWT Sebaik-baik Pengambil Keputusan (QS. Al An’am 57) sedangkan manusia sekedar memahami dan menjalankannya.
Tentu masih banyak lagi yang diterangkan Al Quran sebagai petunjuk hidup, bahkan satu-satunya petunjuk hidup, bagi manusia sehingga manusia bisa hidup baik, sejahtera, dan bahagia di dunia maupun di akhirat dan selamat dari api neraka. Pantaslah kalau Allah SWT menyatakan kesempurnaan dinul Islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad saw. dalam firman-Nya :
“…pada hari Ini Telah Kusempurnakan untuk kamu agamamu, dan Telah Ku-cukupkan kepadamu nikmat-Ku, dan Telah Ku-ridhai Islam itu jadi agama bagimu… (QS. Al Maidah 3).”
Juga janji Allah SWT yang telah mengutus rasul-Nya dan dinul Islam yang haq untuk Dia menangkan atas din-din yang lain, sebagaimana firman-Nya: Dia-lah yang mengutus rasul-Nya dengan membawa petunjuk dan agama yang hak agar dimenangkan-Nya terhadap semua agama. dan cukuplah Allah sebagai saksi. (QS. Al Fath 28).
Dengan kelengkapan dan kesempurnaan petunjuk hidup manusia yang dibawa oleh Rasulullah saw. maka pantaslah baginda Rasulullah saw. berhasil membangun umat dan negara yang kuat di kota Madinah dan dalam tempo 10 tahun berhasil menyatukan seluruh wilayah jazirah Arab yang sekarang terdiri dari 7 negara (Arab Saudi, Kuwait, Yaman, Uni Emirat Arab, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain) dalam satu kesatuan negara dan umat, yakni Islam dimana Rasulullah saw. sebagai Nabi sekaligus kepala negaranya.
Dan para sahabat yang merupakan generasi yang dibimbing dan digembleng oleh Rasulullah saw. dengan kurikulum Al Quran dan As Sunnah menjadi umat paling unggul di dunia (khairu ummah, QS. Ali Imran 110) yang pasca wafatnya Rasulullah saw tidak stagnan, apalagi mundur dan bubar, tapi malah berhasil meraih kejayaan dan melakukan berbagai pembebasan hingga berhasil menaklukkan tirani adidaya Persia dan Rumawi pada tahun 15 Hijriyyah (lima tahun bakda wafatnya Rasulullah saw.) di bawah kepemimpinan Khalifah Umar bin Al Khaththab r.a.
Di bulan Ramadhan, bulan diturunkannya Al Quran ini, para ulama dan pimpinan umat hendaknya bertekad untuk membangun kembali umat dan negara ini dengan petunjuk Al Quran sebagaimana dulu Rasulullah saw. dan para Khulafaur Rasyidin membangun umat dan negaranya. Dan dalam hal ini, para ulama dan pimpinan umat harus bersikap kaffah dalam menerangkan dan mengajak umat menjadikan Al Quran sebagai petunjuk hidup bagi umat dan negara ini.
Umat dan negara ini tidak boleh membeda-bedakan penerimaan dan pengamalan ayat-ayat Al Quran antara satu ayat dengan ayat yang lain. Artinya, ayat “kutiba alaikumus shiyam” diterima dan diamalkan apa adanya sebagaimana ayat “kutiba alaikuml qital”…dan lain-lain. Seluruh ayat al Quran adalah satu kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan yang dengan berpegang teguh padanya umat Islam akan menjadi umat terbaik (khairu ummah).
Baarakallahu lii walakum
Ya Allah, teguhkan hati kami agar selalu bersungguh-sungguh dalam melakukan amal ibadah untuk meraih derajat taqwa dalam tiap detik sisa waktu Ramadhan yang Kau anugerahkan pada kami. Jangan biarkan Ramadhan meninggalkan kami tanpa ada perubahan diri kami menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik di hadapan Engkau.
Ya Allah, tumbuhkan dan kekalkan dalam jiwa kami, semangat untuk selalu memperbaharui penampilan ruhani kami agar menjadi lebih baik dari waktu ke waktu hingga layak Engkau cintai dan ridhai, amiin.
Bulan Istimewa ( Dalil & Penjelasan )
1. Puasa Ramadhan adalah rukun keempat dalam Islam. Firman Allah Ta'ala :
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertaqwa. "(Al-Baqarah : 183).
Sabda Nabi :
Islam didirikan di atas lima sendi, yaitu: syahadat tiada sembahan yang haq selain Allah dan Muhammad adalah rasul Allah, mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat, puasa Ramadhan dan pergi hajike Baitul Haram. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Ibadah puasa merupakan salah satu sarana penting untuk mencapai takwa, dan salah satu sebab untuk mendapatkan ampunan dosa-dosa, pelipatgandaan kebaikan, dan pengangkatan derajat. Allah telah menjadikan ibadah puasa khusus untuk diri-Nya dari amal-amal ibadah lainnya. Firman Allah dalam hadits yang disampaikan oleh Nabi:
"Puasa itu untuk-Ku dan Aku langsung membalasnya. Orang yang berpuasa mendapatkan dua kesenangan, yaitu kesenangan ketika berbuka puasa dan kesenangan ketika berjumpa dengan Tuhannya. Sungguh, bau mulut orang berpuasa lebih harum dari pada aroma kesturi." (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Dan sabda Nabi :
"Barangsiapa berpuasa Ramadhan karena iman dan mengharap pahala dari Allah, niscaya diampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Maka untuk memperoleh ampunan dengan puasa Ramadhan, harus ada dua syarat berikut ini:
Mengimani dengan benar akan kewajiban ini.
Mengharap pahala karenanya di sisi Allah Ta 'ala.
2. Pada bulan Ramadhan diturunkan Al-Qur'an sebagai petunjuk bagi umat manusia dan berisi keterangan-keterangan tentang petunjuk dan pembeda antara yang haq dan yang bathil.
3. Pada bulan ini disunatkan shalat tarawih, yakni shalat malam pada bulan Ramadhan, untuk mengikuti jejak Nabi, para sahabat dan Khulafaur Rasyidin. Sabda Nabi:"Barangsiapa mendirikan shalat malam Ramadhan karena iman dan mengharap pahala (dari Allah) niscaya diampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
4. Pada bulan ini terdapat Lailatul Qadar (malam mulia), yaitu malam yang lebih baik daripada seribu bulan, atau sama dengan 83 tahun 4 bulan. Malam di mana pintu-pintu langit dibukakan, do'a dikabulkan, dan segala takdir yang terjadi pada tahun itu ditentukan. Sabda Nabi :
"Barangsiapa mendirikan shalatpada Lailatul Qadar karena iman dan mengharap pahala, dari Allah niscaya diampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Malam ini terdapat pada sepuluh malam terakhir, dan diharapkan pada malam-malam ganjil lebih kuat daripada di malam-malam lainnya. Karena itu, seyogianya seorang muslim yang senantiasa mengharap rahmat Allah dan takut dari siksa-Nya, memanfaatkan kesempatan pada malam-malam itu dengan bersungguh-sungguh pada setiap malam dari kesepuluh malam tersebut dengan shalat, membaca Al-Qur'anul Karim, dzikir, do'a, istighfar dan taubat yang sebenar-benamya. Semoga Allah menerima amal ibadah kita, mengampuni, merahmati, dan mengabulkan do'a kita.
5. Pada bulan ini terjadi peristiwa besar yaitu Perang Badar, yang pada keesokan harinya Allah membedakan antara yang haq dan yang bathil, sehingga menanglah Islam dan kaum muslimin serta hancurlah syirik dan kaum musyrikin.
6. Pada bulan suci ini terjadi pembebasan kota Makkah Al-Mukarramah, dan Allah memenangkan Rasul-Nya, sehingga masuklah manusia ke dalam agama Allah dengan berbondong-bondong dan Rasulullah menghancurkan syirik dan paganisme (keberhalaan) yang terdapat di kota Makkah, dan Makkah pun menjadi negeri Islam.
7. Pada bulan ini pintu-pintu Surga dibuka, pintu-pintu Neraka ditutup dan para setan diikat.
Betapa banyak berkah dan kebaikan yang terdapat dalam bulan Ramadhan. Maka kita wajib memanfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk bertaubat kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya dan beramal shalih, semoga kita termasuk orang-orang yang diterima amalnya dan beruntung.
Perlu diingat, bahwa ada sebagian orang –semoga Allah menunjukinya- mungkin berpuasa tetapi tidak shalat, atau hanya shalat pada bulan Ramadhan saja. Orang seperti ini tidak berguna baginya puasa, haji, maupun zakat. Karena shalat adalah sendi agama Islam yang ia tidak dapat tegak kecuali dengannya.
Sabda Nabi :"Jibril datang kepadaku dan berkata, 'Wahai Muhammad, siapa yang menjumpai bulan Ramadhan, namun setelah bulan itu habis dan ia tidak mendapat ampunan, maka jika mati ia masuk Neraka. Semoga Allah menjauhkannya. Katakan: Amin!. Aku pun mengatakan: Amin. " (HR. Ibnu Khuzaimah dan Ibnu Hibban dalam Shahihnya) "' Lihat kitab An Nasha i'hud Diniyyah, him. 37-39.
Maka seyogianya waktu-waktu pada bulan Ramadhan dipergunakan untuk berbagai amal kebaikan, seperti shalat, sedekah, membaca Al-Qur'an, dzikir, do'a dan istighfar. Ramadhan adalah kesempatan untuk menanam bagi para hamba Ailah, untuk membersihkan hati mereka dari kerusakan.
Juga wajib menjaga anggota badan dari segala dosa, seperti berkata yang haram, melihat yang haram, mendengar yang haram, minum dan makan yang haram agar puasanya menjadi bersih dan diterima serta orang yang berpuasa memperoleh ampunan dan pembebasan dari api Neraka.
Tentang keutamaan Ramadhan, bersabda:
'"Aku melihat seorang laki-laki dari umatku terengah-engah kehausan, maka datanglah kepadanya puasa bulan Ramadhan lalu memberinya minum sampai kenyang " (HR. At-Tirmidzi, Ad-Dailami dan Ath-Thabarani dalam Al-Mu'jam Al-Kabir dan hadits ini hasan).
"Shalat lima waktu, shalat Jum'at ke shalat Jum 'at lainnya, dan Ramadhan ke Ramadhan berikutnya menghapuskan dosa-dosa yang dilakukan di antaranya jika dosa-dosa besar ditinggalkan. " (HR.Muslim).
Jadi hal-hal yang fardhu ini dapat menghapuskan dosa-dosa kecil, dengan syarat dosa-dosa besar ditinggalkan. Dosa-dosa besar, yaitu perbuatan yang diancam dengan hukuman di dunia dan siksaan di akhirat. Misalnya: zina, mencuri, minum arak, mencaci kedua orang tua, memutuskan hubungan kekeluargaan, transaksi dengan riba, mengambil risywah (uang suap), bersaksi palsu, memutuskan perkara dengan selain hukum Allah.
Seandainya tidak terdapat dalam bulan Ramadhan keutamaan-keutamaan selain keberadaannya sebagai salah satu fardhu dalam Islam, dan waktu diturunkannya Al-Qur'anul Karim, serta adanya Lailatul Qadar -yang merupakan malam yang lebih balk daripada seribu bulan- di dalamnya, niscaya itu sudah cukup, Semoga Allah melimpahkan taufik-Nya. Lihat kitab Kalimaat Mukhtaarah, hlm. 74 - 76.

Diperbolehkan tidak puasa pada bulan Ramadhan bagi empat golongan :
Orang sakit yang berbahaya baginya jika berpuasa dan orang bepergian yang boleh baginya mengqashar shalat. Tidak puasa bagi mereka berdua adalah afdhal, tapi wajib menggadhanya. Namun jika mereka berpuasa maka puasa mereka sah (mendapat pahala). Firman Allah Ta'ala:
" .....Maka barangsiapa di antara kamu ada yang sakit atau dalam perjalanan (lalu ia berbuka), maka wajiblah baginya berpuasa sebanyak hari yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari-hari yang lain... " (Al-Baqarah:184).
Maksudnya, jika orang sakit dan orang yang bepergian tidak berpuasa maka wajib mengqadha (menggantinya) sejumlah hari yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari lain setelah bulan Ramadhan.
Wanita haid dan wanita nifas: mereka tidak berpuasa dan wajib mengqadha. Jika berpuasa tidak sah puasanya. Aisyah radhiallahu 'anha berkata :
"Jika kami mengalami haid, maka diperintahkan untuk mengqadha puasa dan tidak diperintahkan menggadha shalat. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Wanita hamil dan wanita menyusui, jika khawatir atas kesehatan anaknya boleh bagi mereka tidak berpuasa dan harus meng-qadha serta memberi makan seorang miskin untuk setiap hari yang ditinggalkan. Jika mereka berpuasa maka sah puasanya. Adapun jika khawatir atas kesehatan diri mereka sendiri, maka mereka boleh tidak puasa dan harus meng-qadha saja. Demikian dikatakan Ibnu Abbas sebagaimana diriwayatkan o!eh Abu Dawud. '7, Lihat kitab Ar Raudhul Murbi', 1/124.
Orang yang tidak kuat berpuasa karena tua atau sakit yang tidak ada harapan sembuh. Boleh baginya tidak berpuasa dan memberi makan seorang miskin untuk setiap hari yang ditinggalkannya. Demikian kata Ibnu Abbas menurut riwayat Al-Bukhari. Lihat kitab Tafsir Ibnu Kalsir, 1/215.
Sedangkan jumlah makanan yang diberikan yaitu satu mud (genggam tangan) gandum, atau satu sha' (+ 3 kg) dari bahan makanan lainnya. Lihat kitab 'Lrmdatul Fiqh, oleh Ibnu Qudamah, hlm. 28.
Hukum jima'pada siang hari bulan Ramadhan.
Diharamkan melakukan jima' (bersenggama) pada siang hari bulan Ramadhan. Dan siapa yang melanggarnya harus meng-qadha dan membayar kaffarah mughallazhah (denda berat) yaitu membebaskan hamba sahaya. Jika tidak mendapatkan, maka berpuasa selama dua bulan berturut-turut; jika tidak mampu maka memberi makan 60 orang miskin; dan jika tidak punya maka bebaslah ia dari kafarah itu. Firman Allah Ta'ala.
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya..." (Al-Baqarah: 285). Lihat kitab Majalisu Syahri Ramadhan, hlm. 102 - 108.
"Hai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang-orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertaqwa. "(Al-Baqarah : 183).
Sabda Nabi :
Islam didirikan di atas lima sendi, yaitu: syahadat tiada sembahan yang haq selain Allah dan Muhammad adalah rasul Allah, mendirikan shalat, menunaikan zakat, puasa Ramadhan dan pergi hajike Baitul Haram. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Ibadah puasa merupakan salah satu sarana penting untuk mencapai takwa, dan salah satu sebab untuk mendapatkan ampunan dosa-dosa, pelipatgandaan kebaikan, dan pengangkatan derajat. Allah telah menjadikan ibadah puasa khusus untuk diri-Nya dari amal-amal ibadah lainnya. Firman Allah dalam hadits yang disampaikan oleh Nabi:
"Puasa itu untuk-Ku dan Aku langsung membalasnya. Orang yang berpuasa mendapatkan dua kesenangan, yaitu kesenangan ketika berbuka puasa dan kesenangan ketika berjumpa dengan Tuhannya. Sungguh, bau mulut orang berpuasa lebih harum dari pada aroma kesturi." (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Dan sabda Nabi :
"Barangsiapa berpuasa Ramadhan karena iman dan mengharap pahala dari Allah, niscaya diampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Maka untuk memperoleh ampunan dengan puasa Ramadhan, harus ada dua syarat berikut ini:
Mengimani dengan benar akan kewajiban ini.
Mengharap pahala karenanya di sisi Allah Ta 'ala.
2. Pada bulan Ramadhan diturunkan Al-Qur'an sebagai petunjuk bagi umat manusia dan berisi keterangan-keterangan tentang petunjuk dan pembeda antara yang haq dan yang bathil.
3. Pada bulan ini disunatkan shalat tarawih, yakni shalat malam pada bulan Ramadhan, untuk mengikuti jejak Nabi, para sahabat dan Khulafaur Rasyidin. Sabda Nabi:"Barangsiapa mendirikan shalat malam Ramadhan karena iman dan mengharap pahala (dari Allah) niscaya diampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
4. Pada bulan ini terdapat Lailatul Qadar (malam mulia), yaitu malam yang lebih baik daripada seribu bulan, atau sama dengan 83 tahun 4 bulan. Malam di mana pintu-pintu langit dibukakan, do'a dikabulkan, dan segala takdir yang terjadi pada tahun itu ditentukan. Sabda Nabi :
"Barangsiapa mendirikan shalatpada Lailatul Qadar karena iman dan mengharap pahala, dari Allah niscaya diampuni dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Malam ini terdapat pada sepuluh malam terakhir, dan diharapkan pada malam-malam ganjil lebih kuat daripada di malam-malam lainnya. Karena itu, seyogianya seorang muslim yang senantiasa mengharap rahmat Allah dan takut dari siksa-Nya, memanfaatkan kesempatan pada malam-malam itu dengan bersungguh-sungguh pada setiap malam dari kesepuluh malam tersebut dengan shalat, membaca Al-Qur'anul Karim, dzikir, do'a, istighfar dan taubat yang sebenar-benamya. Semoga Allah menerima amal ibadah kita, mengampuni, merahmati, dan mengabulkan do'a kita.
5. Pada bulan ini terjadi peristiwa besar yaitu Perang Badar, yang pada keesokan harinya Allah membedakan antara yang haq dan yang bathil, sehingga menanglah Islam dan kaum muslimin serta hancurlah syirik dan kaum musyrikin.
6. Pada bulan suci ini terjadi pembebasan kota Makkah Al-Mukarramah, dan Allah memenangkan Rasul-Nya, sehingga masuklah manusia ke dalam agama Allah dengan berbondong-bondong dan Rasulullah menghancurkan syirik dan paganisme (keberhalaan) yang terdapat di kota Makkah, dan Makkah pun menjadi negeri Islam.
7. Pada bulan ini pintu-pintu Surga dibuka, pintu-pintu Neraka ditutup dan para setan diikat.
Betapa banyak berkah dan kebaikan yang terdapat dalam bulan Ramadhan. Maka kita wajib memanfaatkan kesempatan ini untuk bertaubat kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benarnya dan beramal shalih, semoga kita termasuk orang-orang yang diterima amalnya dan beruntung.
Perlu diingat, bahwa ada sebagian orang –semoga Allah menunjukinya- mungkin berpuasa tetapi tidak shalat, atau hanya shalat pada bulan Ramadhan saja. Orang seperti ini tidak berguna baginya puasa, haji, maupun zakat. Karena shalat adalah sendi agama Islam yang ia tidak dapat tegak kecuali dengannya.
Sabda Nabi :"Jibril datang kepadaku dan berkata, 'Wahai Muhammad, siapa yang menjumpai bulan Ramadhan, namun setelah bulan itu habis dan ia tidak mendapat ampunan, maka jika mati ia masuk Neraka. Semoga Allah menjauhkannya. Katakan: Amin!. Aku pun mengatakan: Amin. " (HR. Ibnu Khuzaimah dan Ibnu Hibban dalam Shahihnya) "' Lihat kitab An Nasha i'hud Diniyyah, him. 37-39.
Maka seyogianya waktu-waktu pada bulan Ramadhan dipergunakan untuk berbagai amal kebaikan, seperti shalat, sedekah, membaca Al-Qur'an, dzikir, do'a dan istighfar. Ramadhan adalah kesempatan untuk menanam bagi para hamba Ailah, untuk membersihkan hati mereka dari kerusakan.
Juga wajib menjaga anggota badan dari segala dosa, seperti berkata yang haram, melihat yang haram, mendengar yang haram, minum dan makan yang haram agar puasanya menjadi bersih dan diterima serta orang yang berpuasa memperoleh ampunan dan pembebasan dari api Neraka.
Tentang keutamaan Ramadhan, bersabda:
'"Aku melihat seorang laki-laki dari umatku terengah-engah kehausan, maka datanglah kepadanya puasa bulan Ramadhan lalu memberinya minum sampai kenyang " (HR. At-Tirmidzi, Ad-Dailami dan Ath-Thabarani dalam Al-Mu'jam Al-Kabir dan hadits ini hasan).
"Shalat lima waktu, shalat Jum'at ke shalat Jum 'at lainnya, dan Ramadhan ke Ramadhan berikutnya menghapuskan dosa-dosa yang dilakukan di antaranya jika dosa-dosa besar ditinggalkan. " (HR.Muslim).
Jadi hal-hal yang fardhu ini dapat menghapuskan dosa-dosa kecil, dengan syarat dosa-dosa besar ditinggalkan. Dosa-dosa besar, yaitu perbuatan yang diancam dengan hukuman di dunia dan siksaan di akhirat. Misalnya: zina, mencuri, minum arak, mencaci kedua orang tua, memutuskan hubungan kekeluargaan, transaksi dengan riba, mengambil risywah (uang suap), bersaksi palsu, memutuskan perkara dengan selain hukum Allah.
Seandainya tidak terdapat dalam bulan Ramadhan keutamaan-keutamaan selain keberadaannya sebagai salah satu fardhu dalam Islam, dan waktu diturunkannya Al-Qur'anul Karim, serta adanya Lailatul Qadar -yang merupakan malam yang lebih balk daripada seribu bulan- di dalamnya, niscaya itu sudah cukup, Semoga Allah melimpahkan taufik-Nya. Lihat kitab Kalimaat Mukhtaarah, hlm. 74 - 76.
Diperbolehkan tidak puasa pada bulan Ramadhan bagi empat golongan :
Orang sakit yang berbahaya baginya jika berpuasa dan orang bepergian yang boleh baginya mengqashar shalat. Tidak puasa bagi mereka berdua adalah afdhal, tapi wajib menggadhanya. Namun jika mereka berpuasa maka puasa mereka sah (mendapat pahala). Firman Allah Ta'ala:
" .....Maka barangsiapa di antara kamu ada yang sakit atau dalam perjalanan (lalu ia berbuka), maka wajiblah baginya berpuasa sebanyak hari yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari-hari yang lain... " (Al-Baqarah:184).
Maksudnya, jika orang sakit dan orang yang bepergian tidak berpuasa maka wajib mengqadha (menggantinya) sejumlah hari yang ditinggalkan itu pada hari lain setelah bulan Ramadhan.
Wanita haid dan wanita nifas: mereka tidak berpuasa dan wajib mengqadha. Jika berpuasa tidak sah puasanya. Aisyah radhiallahu 'anha berkata :
"Jika kami mengalami haid, maka diperintahkan untuk mengqadha puasa dan tidak diperintahkan menggadha shalat. " (Hadits Muttafaq 'Alaih).
Wanita hamil dan wanita menyusui, jika khawatir atas kesehatan anaknya boleh bagi mereka tidak berpuasa dan harus meng-qadha serta memberi makan seorang miskin untuk setiap hari yang ditinggalkan. Jika mereka berpuasa maka sah puasanya. Adapun jika khawatir atas kesehatan diri mereka sendiri, maka mereka boleh tidak puasa dan harus meng-qadha saja. Demikian dikatakan Ibnu Abbas sebagaimana diriwayatkan o!eh Abu Dawud. '7, Lihat kitab Ar Raudhul Murbi', 1/124.
Orang yang tidak kuat berpuasa karena tua atau sakit yang tidak ada harapan sembuh. Boleh baginya tidak berpuasa dan memberi makan seorang miskin untuk setiap hari yang ditinggalkannya. Demikian kata Ibnu Abbas menurut riwayat Al-Bukhari. Lihat kitab Tafsir Ibnu Kalsir, 1/215.
Sedangkan jumlah makanan yang diberikan yaitu satu mud (genggam tangan) gandum, atau satu sha' (+ 3 kg) dari bahan makanan lainnya. Lihat kitab 'Lrmdatul Fiqh, oleh Ibnu Qudamah, hlm. 28.
Hukum jima'pada siang hari bulan Ramadhan.
Diharamkan melakukan jima' (bersenggama) pada siang hari bulan Ramadhan. Dan siapa yang melanggarnya harus meng-qadha dan membayar kaffarah mughallazhah (denda berat) yaitu membebaskan hamba sahaya. Jika tidak mendapatkan, maka berpuasa selama dua bulan berturut-turut; jika tidak mampu maka memberi makan 60 orang miskin; dan jika tidak punya maka bebaslah ia dari kafarah itu. Firman Allah Ta'ala.
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya..." (Al-Baqarah: 285). Lihat kitab Majalisu Syahri Ramadhan, hlm. 102 - 108.
Reciting Qur'an is a way to Taqwa
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim,
We know that having taqwa of Allah (swt) means: taking protection from the anger of Allah (swt) and his punishment. This protection is realized by doing what Allah (swt) commands, and refraining from everything that Allah (swt) forbids. In brief, this protection is realized by obeying Allah (swt) which emanates only from the correct and strong belief in Him. This belief comprises the genuine love of Allah (swt) as well as the genuine fear of Him.
Today we ask how can we achieve taqwa in our life?
We can answer this question in a general way based on the definition of taqwa that we mentioned; taqwa can be achieved by doing everything that increases and strengthens link between belief and actions, and doing everything (sayings and actions) that increases the love of Allah (swt) and increases the fear of Him (swt).
We would like to elaborate on how we can achieve taqwa in three ways.
The first way to achieve taqwa of Allah (swt) is reciting the Qur'an reflecting upon its meanings and implementing its verses. Allah (swt) says in surat Al-Baqarah, (verse 121), what can be translated as,
''Those to whom We gave the book (the Qur'an) recite it as it should be recited, they are the ones that believe therein. And who disbelieves in it (the Qur'an), those are the losers.''
Imam Ibn Katheer says about this verse that Ibn Mas'oud, may Allah be pleased with him, said, ''By the one whose hand my soul is in, the real recitation of Qur'an is to adopt its halal and refrain from doing its haram, and recite it exactly like Allah (swt) has revealed it, without altering the meaning of its words, and without interpreting anything from it except the way it is to be interpreted, so it is to be followed faithfully.'' Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, said about reciting the Qur'an the way it should be, ''They (the ones who really recite Qur'an) are the ones who, when they pass by a verse of mercy, asked it from Allah (swt), and when they pass by a verse of punishment, they seek refuge from it, like the prophet (saw) used to do''.
Indeed, this is the real recitation of Qur'an that leads to the knowledge of Allah (swt) and to the knowledge of His names, attributes, reward, and punishment. About this knowledge, the prophet (saw) said, ''I am the most knowledgeable person, among you, about Allah (swt) and I fear Him more than you do.'' Whoever does not know Allah (swt), does not fear Him. For this reason, Allah (swt) specifically categorized those who fear Him only with those who have knowledge of Him. Allah (swt) says in surat Fatir, (verse 28), what can be translated as,
''...It is only those who have knowledge among His servants that fear Allah.''
This shows the greatness of the true recitation of Qur'an and the great effects it has on the lives of people and their behavior and conduct, and the greatness of reward for reciting, reflecting and understanding it.
Allah (swt) stresses that the purpose of revealing the Qur'an in Arabic; an understandable and clear language, with a lot of warnings in it, is to help people attain taqwa and wake them up from their absent-mindedness. Allah (swt) says in surat Taha, (verse 113), what can be translated as,
''And thus We have sent it down as a Qur'an in Arabic, and have explained therein in detail the warnings, in order that they may have taqwa, or that it may cause them to learn a lesson from it.''
Allah (swt) stresses that the purpose of revealing the Qur'an to Muhammad (saw) is to help people reflect upon his verses and understand them, so the verses will be a reminder for them. Allah (swt) says in surat Saad, (verse 29), what can be translated as,
''(This is) a book (the Qur'an) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses, and that men of understanding may remember.''
Allah (swt) scorns the people who do not reflect upon Qur'an and do not understand its meanings. Allah (swt) says in surat Muhammad, (verse 24), what can be translated as,
''Do they not then think deeply in the Qur'an, or are their hearts locked up (from understanding)?''
Every verse that Allah (swt) revealed in the Qur'an is to help guide the people to achieve taqwa. Allah (swt) says in surat Al-Baqarah, (verse187), what can be translated as,
''Thus does Allah make clear His ayat to mankind that they may become Al-Muttaqun.''
The companions of the Prophet (saw) when they received the Qur'an they 'recite it as it should be recited' and because of this they achieved great benefits in their lives.
Their lives changed from being the ignorant ummah who did not enjoin the good and forbid the evil and did not establish the justice to becoming the greatest Ummah; and they became the best generation. With this quality, they completely changed the direction of the life of humanity. They led the way for all of humanity to follow from complete kufr and ignorance to the highest level of Iman and true civilization. Yes, they surely established all of the good things when they received the Qur'an and ''recited it as it should be recited''. If we look back into our Islamic history books, we will know clearly that which they had established. You will also find that even the non-Muslim writers acknowledge the achievements of the companions of the Prophet (saw).
Why do we see so many Muslims today, reciting Qur'an so frequently without any positive effects on their lives?
We let two companions of the Prophet (saw) answer this question. They are Abdullah Bin Omar and Jundob, may Allah be pleased be with them (this is reported, authentically, by Imam At-Tabarani.), ''I lived a period of my life when some of us (the companions) would attain the Iman before Qur'an, while the surah was being revealed to the prophet (saw), so we learn its halal and its haram and learn to reflect upon it. Then, I saw people who would attain Qur'an before the belief, so they read between the Fatiha and the end of the book without knowing what commands them and what forbids them and where to reflect; reading it like throwing away bad dates.'' So, no one will benefit from the recitation of the Qur'an if it is not preceded with the correct belief, which will turn this recitation into a reality. Also, no one will benefit from the recitation of the Qur'an unless they understand the halal and haram, and the verses of glad tidings of Paradise and the verses of the warning of Hell Fire.
What are the reasons that make us not reflect upon the meanings of Qur'an when we recite it? There are two main reasons:
Firstly, weakness in the belief and absent-mindedness when reciting Qur'an. So, many of us recite Qur'an symbolically without any life in it to the extent that many of us look for the beautiful voice and great harmony when checking out the different reciters, and react and get affected by the voice and harmony, not by his appreciation for the meanings.
'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said to a certain man ''You are in a time when men of understanding (fuqaha') are many and Qur'an reciters are few, when the hudud(limits) defined in the Qur'an are guarded and its letters are neglected, when few people ask and many give, when they make the prayer long and the khutba short, and put their actions before their desires. A time will come upon people when their fuqaha' are few but their Qur'an reciters are many, when the letters of the Qur'an are guarded carefully but its hudud are neglected, when many ask but few give, when they make the khutba long but the prayer short, and put their desires before their actions.''
Secondly, our weakness in the Arabic language which Qur'an is revealed in. Many native Arabs do not understand many of the words in the Qur'an that they recite and do not exert any effort to understand the meanings of those words. The brief interpretation of Qur'an can help them a lot and there are many available resources.
As to the non-Arabic speakers, the problem is worse. It can be solved by referring to more than just one translation of the meaning of the Qur'an. They should not depend on one translation because the translator chooses from the language the word that is closest to the meaning of the Arabic word and ignores, on many occasions other words that carry different meanings. In many cases the a Arabic my include all of them and more
In conclusion, indeed, reciting Qur'an lively leads to the taqwa of Allah, and every verse in Qur'an increases the belief of the believers, while at the same time increases the ungratefulness of the non-believers. Allah (swt) says in surat At-Tawbah, (verses 124&125), what can be translated as,
''And whenever there comes down a surah, some of them say: ''Which of you has his iman increased by it ? As for those who believe, it has increased their iman, and they rejoice. But as for those in whose hearts is a disease, it will add suspicion and doubt to their suspicion, disbelief and doubt, and they die while they are disbelievers.''
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil Alamiin,
We know that having taqwa of Allah (swt) means: taking protection from the anger of Allah (swt) and his punishment. This protection is realized by doing what Allah (swt) commands, and refraining from everything that Allah (swt) forbids. In brief, this protection is realized by obeying Allah (swt) which emanates only from the correct and strong belief in Him. This belief comprises the genuine love of Allah (swt) as well as the genuine fear of Him.
Today we ask how can we achieve taqwa in our life?
We can answer this question in a general way based on the definition of taqwa that we mentioned; taqwa can be achieved by doing everything that increases and strengthens link between belief and actions, and doing everything (sayings and actions) that increases the love of Allah (swt) and increases the fear of Him (swt).
We would like to elaborate on how we can achieve taqwa in three ways.
The first way to achieve taqwa of Allah (swt) is reciting the Qur'an reflecting upon its meanings and implementing its verses. Allah (swt) says in surat Al-Baqarah, (verse 121), what can be translated as,
''Those to whom We gave the book (the Qur'an) recite it as it should be recited, they are the ones that believe therein. And who disbelieves in it (the Qur'an), those are the losers.''
Imam Ibn Katheer says about this verse that Ibn Mas'oud, may Allah be pleased with him, said, ''By the one whose hand my soul is in, the real recitation of Qur'an is to adopt its halal and refrain from doing its haram, and recite it exactly like Allah (swt) has revealed it, without altering the meaning of its words, and without interpreting anything from it except the way it is to be interpreted, so it is to be followed faithfully.'' Omar, may Allah be pleased with him, said about reciting the Qur'an the way it should be, ''They (the ones who really recite Qur'an) are the ones who, when they pass by a verse of mercy, asked it from Allah (swt), and when they pass by a verse of punishment, they seek refuge from it, like the prophet (saw) used to do''.
Indeed, this is the real recitation of Qur'an that leads to the knowledge of Allah (swt) and to the knowledge of His names, attributes, reward, and punishment. About this knowledge, the prophet (saw) said, ''I am the most knowledgeable person, among you, about Allah (swt) and I fear Him more than you do.'' Whoever does not know Allah (swt), does not fear Him. For this reason, Allah (swt) specifically categorized those who fear Him only with those who have knowledge of Him. Allah (swt) says in surat Fatir, (verse 28), what can be translated as,
''...It is only those who have knowledge among His servants that fear Allah.''
This shows the greatness of the true recitation of Qur'an and the great effects it has on the lives of people and their behavior and conduct, and the greatness of reward for reciting, reflecting and understanding it.
Allah (swt) stresses that the purpose of revealing the Qur'an in Arabic; an understandable and clear language, with a lot of warnings in it, is to help people attain taqwa and wake them up from their absent-mindedness. Allah (swt) says in surat Taha, (verse 113), what can be translated as,
''And thus We have sent it down as a Qur'an in Arabic, and have explained therein in detail the warnings, in order that they may have taqwa, or that it may cause them to learn a lesson from it.''
Allah (swt) stresses that the purpose of revealing the Qur'an to Muhammad (saw) is to help people reflect upon his verses and understand them, so the verses will be a reminder for them. Allah (swt) says in surat Saad, (verse 29), what can be translated as,
''(This is) a book (the Qur'an) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its verses, and that men of understanding may remember.''
Allah (swt) scorns the people who do not reflect upon Qur'an and do not understand its meanings. Allah (swt) says in surat Muhammad, (verse 24), what can be translated as,
''Do they not then think deeply in the Qur'an, or are their hearts locked up (from understanding)?''
Every verse that Allah (swt) revealed in the Qur'an is to help guide the people to achieve taqwa. Allah (swt) says in surat Al-Baqarah, (verse187), what can be translated as,
''Thus does Allah make clear His ayat to mankind that they may become Al-Muttaqun.''
The companions of the Prophet (saw) when they received the Qur'an they 'recite it as it should be recited' and because of this they achieved great benefits in their lives.
Their lives changed from being the ignorant ummah who did not enjoin the good and forbid the evil and did not establish the justice to becoming the greatest Ummah; and they became the best generation. With this quality, they completely changed the direction of the life of humanity. They led the way for all of humanity to follow from complete kufr and ignorance to the highest level of Iman and true civilization. Yes, they surely established all of the good things when they received the Qur'an and ''recited it as it should be recited''. If we look back into our Islamic history books, we will know clearly that which they had established. You will also find that even the non-Muslim writers acknowledge the achievements of the companions of the Prophet (saw).
Why do we see so many Muslims today, reciting Qur'an so frequently without any positive effects on their lives?
We let two companions of the Prophet (saw) answer this question. They are Abdullah Bin Omar and Jundob, may Allah be pleased be with them (this is reported, authentically, by Imam At-Tabarani.), ''I lived a period of my life when some of us (the companions) would attain the Iman before Qur'an, while the surah was being revealed to the prophet (saw), so we learn its halal and its haram and learn to reflect upon it. Then, I saw people who would attain Qur'an before the belief, so they read between the Fatiha and the end of the book without knowing what commands them and what forbids them and where to reflect; reading it like throwing away bad dates.'' So, no one will benefit from the recitation of the Qur'an if it is not preceded with the correct belief, which will turn this recitation into a reality. Also, no one will benefit from the recitation of the Qur'an unless they understand the halal and haram, and the verses of glad tidings of Paradise and the verses of the warning of Hell Fire.
What are the reasons that make us not reflect upon the meanings of Qur'an when we recite it? There are two main reasons:
Firstly, weakness in the belief and absent-mindedness when reciting Qur'an. So, many of us recite Qur'an symbolically without any life in it to the extent that many of us look for the beautiful voice and great harmony when checking out the different reciters, and react and get affected by the voice and harmony, not by his appreciation for the meanings.
'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud said to a certain man ''You are in a time when men of understanding (fuqaha') are many and Qur'an reciters are few, when the hudud(limits) defined in the Qur'an are guarded and its letters are neglected, when few people ask and many give, when they make the prayer long and the khutba short, and put their actions before their desires. A time will come upon people when their fuqaha' are few but their Qur'an reciters are many, when the letters of the Qur'an are guarded carefully but its hudud are neglected, when many ask but few give, when they make the khutba long but the prayer short, and put their desires before their actions.''
Secondly, our weakness in the Arabic language which Qur'an is revealed in. Many native Arabs do not understand many of the words in the Qur'an that they recite and do not exert any effort to understand the meanings of those words. The brief interpretation of Qur'an can help them a lot and there are many available resources.
As to the non-Arabic speakers, the problem is worse. It can be solved by referring to more than just one translation of the meaning of the Qur'an. They should not depend on one translation because the translator chooses from the language the word that is closest to the meaning of the Arabic word and ignores, on many occasions other words that carry different meanings. In many cases the a Arabic my include all of them and more
In conclusion, indeed, reciting Qur'an lively leads to the taqwa of Allah, and every verse in Qur'an increases the belief of the believers, while at the same time increases the ungratefulness of the non-believers. Allah (swt) says in surat At-Tawbah, (verses 124&125), what can be translated as,
''And whenever there comes down a surah, some of them say: ''Which of you has his iman increased by it ? As for those who believe, it has increased their iman, and they rejoice. But as for those in whose hearts is a disease, it will add suspicion and doubt to their suspicion, disbelief and doubt, and they die while they are disbelievers.''
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil Alamiin,
Does the Mahdi exist at present?
Aslamualaikum brothers and sisters,
I'm sure many of you like me have friends who have tried to say that Imam Mahdi is here etc. etc. I came across this article and inshAllah you find it beneficial as I have.
Salam alykoum wa rahmat Allah ow barkato
Will the expected Mahdi resemble the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? What about the voices that have emerged in recent times and claim that he is here and has been born, i.e., he exists at present?.
Praise be to Allaah.
The appearance of the Mahdi at the end of time, when he will fill the earth with justice and fairness after it had been filled with injustice and wrongdoing, is something that is mentioned in the saheeh Sunnah, and some of the scholars of hadeeth said: The ahaadeeth about the Mahdi are mutawaatir because of their large number, and the descent of ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace and blessings be upon him and our Prophet) and his praying behind him is something that is well known. The name of the Mahdi and the name of his father will be like the name of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the name of his father; he will be one of the descendents of Faatimah (may Allaah be pleased with her).
It should be noted that this Mahdi who is mentioned in the ahaadeeth is not the so-called awaited Mahdi mentioned by that deviant group, the Ithna’ ‘Ashari (Shi’ah) who claim that he entered the tunnel and is awaiting the order to emerge, and whose name they say is Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-‘Askari. This is an illusion and a myth, and the refutation of that is discussed in books, and there is no room to go into it here.
But we advise you to read Minhaaj al-Sunnah by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah and summaries of it such as Manhaj al-I’tidaal by al-Dhahabi, and Tuhfat al-Ithna ‘Ashariyyah by Muhibb al-Deen al-Khateeb. It is essential to note that every group is awaiting a Mahdi such as the Jews who are awaiting the Mahdi, but for them he will be the Dajjaal who will be followed by the Jews of Isfahaan. The Christians are awaiting a Mahdi which is the descent of the Messiah (Second Coming of Christ). We Muslims have no doubt about the descent of ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him), when he will break the cross and kill the pigs, and will abolish jizyah and rule according to the sharee’ah of Islam, and at that time there will be no war.
Throughout history there have appeared liars who claimed to be the Mahdi. Some historians have counted them and said that there were more than thirty of them, including Ibn Tumart in Morocco and the Mahdi of the Sudan, etc.
As for the view that he exists at present and that he has been born, this is merely a claim that is made by some people, but there is no evidence for it. It is most likely that it is a myth. The ahaadeeth that have been narrated about the Mahdi do not mention where he will be born or when, and they do not tell us to look for him or to bring him up, rather they say that Allaah will prepare him in a single night and that the Muslims will swear allegiance to him as their caliph and will be united behind him.
When will that happen?
Only Allaah knows.
And Allaah knows best.
Islam Q&A
I'm sure many of you like me have friends who have tried to say that Imam Mahdi is here etc. etc. I came across this article and inshAllah you find it beneficial as I have.
Salam alykoum wa rahmat Allah ow barkato
Will the expected Mahdi resemble the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? What about the voices that have emerged in recent times and claim that he is here and has been born, i.e., he exists at present?.
Praise be to Allaah.
The appearance of the Mahdi at the end of time, when he will fill the earth with justice and fairness after it had been filled with injustice and wrongdoing, is something that is mentioned in the saheeh Sunnah, and some of the scholars of hadeeth said: The ahaadeeth about the Mahdi are mutawaatir because of their large number, and the descent of ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace and blessings be upon him and our Prophet) and his praying behind him is something that is well known. The name of the Mahdi and the name of his father will be like the name of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the name of his father; he will be one of the descendents of Faatimah (may Allaah be pleased with her).
It should be noted that this Mahdi who is mentioned in the ahaadeeth is not the so-called awaited Mahdi mentioned by that deviant group, the Ithna’ ‘Ashari (Shi’ah) who claim that he entered the tunnel and is awaiting the order to emerge, and whose name they say is Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-‘Askari. This is an illusion and a myth, and the refutation of that is discussed in books, and there is no room to go into it here.
But we advise you to read Minhaaj al-Sunnah by Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah and summaries of it such as Manhaj al-I’tidaal by al-Dhahabi, and Tuhfat al-Ithna ‘Ashariyyah by Muhibb al-Deen al-Khateeb. It is essential to note that every group is awaiting a Mahdi such as the Jews who are awaiting the Mahdi, but for them he will be the Dajjaal who will be followed by the Jews of Isfahaan. The Christians are awaiting a Mahdi which is the descent of the Messiah (Second Coming of Christ). We Muslims have no doubt about the descent of ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him), when he will break the cross and kill the pigs, and will abolish jizyah and rule according to the sharee’ah of Islam, and at that time there will be no war.
Throughout history there have appeared liars who claimed to be the Mahdi. Some historians have counted them and said that there were more than thirty of them, including Ibn Tumart in Morocco and the Mahdi of the Sudan, etc.
As for the view that he exists at present and that he has been born, this is merely a claim that is made by some people, but there is no evidence for it. It is most likely that it is a myth. The ahaadeeth that have been narrated about the Mahdi do not mention where he will be born or when, and they do not tell us to look for him or to bring him up, rather they say that Allaah will prepare him in a single night and that the Muslims will swear allegiance to him as their caliph and will be united behind him.
When will that happen?
Only Allaah knows.
And Allaah knows best.
Islam Q&A
Food Crisis - The Failure of Capitalist Economics and Global Institutions
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim,
The spate of food riots seen across the developing world in recent months lays bare the fragility of globalisation and is an indictment on the World Bank and IMF and their dogmatic free market liberalisation agenda.
Several near term factors have combined to propel the price of grains including increasing food demand in industrialising China and Indian, droughts in Australia and Central Europe and perhaps more insidiously greedy market speculation as traders shift into food commodities and away from beleaguered equities due to the effects of the credit crunch in the West. The increasing use of ever greater amounts of vital land to grow bio-fuels to power apparently more environmentally friendly cars in the West has also contributed to tightening supplies.
World Bank and the IMF chiefs have been quick to absolve responsibility citing many of the above issues as the causes for the food crises. The doubling in grain prices has made vital staple foods inaccessible for the billions living in poverty in the developing world. Furthermore it has plunged millions more into poverty - living on less than a dollar a day, as defined by international economists.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF managing director, and Robert Zoellick, World Bank president, conveniently did not attribute blame for the troubles on the policies of their corruption ridden and failing institutions, however. The World Bank and the IMF have presided over the development agenda of developing countries for decades yet poverty levels in most "Third World" countries have worsened appreciatively.
This is evidenced by rising numbers in poverty in Africa, South Asia, Middle East and Latin America as recorded in the recently published World Development Report, 2008. Given the food crisis it is apt that the 2008 report focused on using agriculture to aid economic development. However, the report peddled the time-old agenda the World Bank and IMF have pushed for decades: poor economies need to reduce tariffs and taxes on agricultural imports and exports and to liberalise domestic markets. It did not matter to World Bank and IMF economists that these same policies have been unsuccessfully pursued by developing countries as part of structural adjustment programmes for decades. It did not matter to them that past crises in developing countries have resulted from over exposure to global commodities price crashes. It did not matter that rich North America and Western Europe heavily protect their agricultural sectors (note the recent rise in US farm subsides and the EU's continued support for its farmers using the Common Agricultural Policy). It also did not matter that the main direct beneficiaries of liberalisation will be net exporters of grain in the US (which accounts for up to 30% of world wheat exports) and Europe and the western multinational agrochemical corporations like Monsanto and Dupont.
Egypt, where people have been killed in several riots, has pursued the World Bank and IMF agenda in detail and has consequently increased dependency on wheat imports from 44% of total consumption in the 1960s to over 50% according to recently available estimates. Self-sufficiency in food supplies has been spurned even though Egypt has one of the highest per capita wheat consumption levels in the world and the majority of its poor households spend between 70-80% of income on food.
Egyptian economists bred of a diet of IMF and World Bank policies have argued that self-sufficiency is unimportant since access to imports will ensure supplies. However, access is meaningless if the price of vital food supplies is beyond the means of ordinary citizens. What responsible government would leave the feeding its people to be met by imports where false incentives can divert production to bio fuels or to feeding cattle or to price speculation from decedent traders siting in western capitals that see food commodity price inflation as a ‘nice earner'. Food supplies, where self-sufficiency is vital, are not like video recorders or cars where demand if not met by imports will cause a national emergency.
The roots of the current food crisis lie with the failed policies of the World Bank and IMF. Policies designed in Washington and London yet not implemented in the US or Europe - both of whom pursue a policy of food security, and therefore need open overseas markets to sell their overproduction. These policies bring the misery of harsh capitalism to the world's most vulnerable who have no welfare state to fall back on.
The ultimate blame though lies with traitorous degenerate rulers in the Muslim world, like Mubarak, who implement these policies wholesale and oblivious to the harm and despair that is being inflected on the weakest in society - those that a responsible state should be most concerned about. These rulers are the key instruments of the Western governments to guarantee their interests through liberalisation of markets and the suppression of the desire for the end of Western dominance and the reimplementation of Islam. The Islamic Economic system implemented by the Khilafah (Caliphate), with Egypt as a potential province (wilayah), has a number of economic Shariah instruments to address the current crisis. It could use land reforms, in the shape of redistribution of unutilised land, to create a vibrant and competitive domestic agricultural sector with investment from the state in developing and upgrading agricultural infrastructure including research and development in new seed technologies. Egyptian wheat consumption levels justify production at twice current levels. It is interesting to note that in the 1950s Korea and Taiwan (two thriving former ‘tiger' economies) built their growth paths on land reforms and rural investment that created an improvement income distribution from agricultural growth.
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil alamiin.
The spate of food riots seen across the developing world in recent months lays bare the fragility of globalisation and is an indictment on the World Bank and IMF and their dogmatic free market liberalisation agenda.
Several near term factors have combined to propel the price of grains including increasing food demand in industrialising China and Indian, droughts in Australia and Central Europe and perhaps more insidiously greedy market speculation as traders shift into food commodities and away from beleaguered equities due to the effects of the credit crunch in the West. The increasing use of ever greater amounts of vital land to grow bio-fuels to power apparently more environmentally friendly cars in the West has also contributed to tightening supplies.
World Bank and the IMF chiefs have been quick to absolve responsibility citing many of the above issues as the causes for the food crises. The doubling in grain prices has made vital staple foods inaccessible for the billions living in poverty in the developing world. Furthermore it has plunged millions more into poverty - living on less than a dollar a day, as defined by international economists.
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, IMF managing director, and Robert Zoellick, World Bank president, conveniently did not attribute blame for the troubles on the policies of their corruption ridden and failing institutions, however. The World Bank and the IMF have presided over the development agenda of developing countries for decades yet poverty levels in most "Third World" countries have worsened appreciatively.
This is evidenced by rising numbers in poverty in Africa, South Asia, Middle East and Latin America as recorded in the recently published World Development Report, 2008. Given the food crisis it is apt that the 2008 report focused on using agriculture to aid economic development. However, the report peddled the time-old agenda the World Bank and IMF have pushed for decades: poor economies need to reduce tariffs and taxes on agricultural imports and exports and to liberalise domestic markets. It did not matter to World Bank and IMF economists that these same policies have been unsuccessfully pursued by developing countries as part of structural adjustment programmes for decades. It did not matter to them that past crises in developing countries have resulted from over exposure to global commodities price crashes. It did not matter that rich North America and Western Europe heavily protect their agricultural sectors (note the recent rise in US farm subsides and the EU's continued support for its farmers using the Common Agricultural Policy). It also did not matter that the main direct beneficiaries of liberalisation will be net exporters of grain in the US (which accounts for up to 30% of world wheat exports) and Europe and the western multinational agrochemical corporations like Monsanto and Dupont.
Egypt, where people have been killed in several riots, has pursued the World Bank and IMF agenda in detail and has consequently increased dependency on wheat imports from 44% of total consumption in the 1960s to over 50% according to recently available estimates. Self-sufficiency in food supplies has been spurned even though Egypt has one of the highest per capita wheat consumption levels in the world and the majority of its poor households spend between 70-80% of income on food.
Egyptian economists bred of a diet of IMF and World Bank policies have argued that self-sufficiency is unimportant since access to imports will ensure supplies. However, access is meaningless if the price of vital food supplies is beyond the means of ordinary citizens. What responsible government would leave the feeding its people to be met by imports where false incentives can divert production to bio fuels or to feeding cattle or to price speculation from decedent traders siting in western capitals that see food commodity price inflation as a ‘nice earner'. Food supplies, where self-sufficiency is vital, are not like video recorders or cars where demand if not met by imports will cause a national emergency.
The roots of the current food crisis lie with the failed policies of the World Bank and IMF. Policies designed in Washington and London yet not implemented in the US or Europe - both of whom pursue a policy of food security, and therefore need open overseas markets to sell their overproduction. These policies bring the misery of harsh capitalism to the world's most vulnerable who have no welfare state to fall back on.
The ultimate blame though lies with traitorous degenerate rulers in the Muslim world, like Mubarak, who implement these policies wholesale and oblivious to the harm and despair that is being inflected on the weakest in society - those that a responsible state should be most concerned about. These rulers are the key instruments of the Western governments to guarantee their interests through liberalisation of markets and the suppression of the desire for the end of Western dominance and the reimplementation of Islam. The Islamic Economic system implemented by the Khilafah (Caliphate), with Egypt as a potential province (wilayah), has a number of economic Shariah instruments to address the current crisis. It could use land reforms, in the shape of redistribution of unutilised land, to create a vibrant and competitive domestic agricultural sector with investment from the state in developing and upgrading agricultural infrastructure including research and development in new seed technologies. Egyptian wheat consumption levels justify production at twice current levels. It is interesting to note that in the 1950s Korea and Taiwan (two thriving former ‘tiger' economies) built their growth paths on land reforms and rural investment that created an improvement income distribution from agricultural growth.
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil alamiin.
A United Muslim world
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim,
When one thinks of the Muslim world, it conjures up images of poverty, corruption and war. Many negative connotations exist about the state of the Muslim world which continues to occupy news space and newspapers. The global media tends to neglect the achievements of the Muslim world and the contributions it made to humanity. The Muslim world has a rich history of development and discovery, the results of which are being reaped today.
Over the last decade, the call for a united Islamic world i.e. the Khilafah has gained momentum and this momentum continues to grow. The possibility of a united Muslim world behind one ruler (Khaleefah) is something that the Muslim Ummah can achieve as this was achieved in the past and even western historians have testified to this fact. The Muslim lands currently posses:
• The Largest population in the world, 1.6 billion
• Largest army in the world
• Control of half of the world’s oil and many other natural resources
• Control key strategic naval straits (A third of the world’s oil travels through the straits of Hormuz which is between Iran and UAE) and airspace
• Largest land mass
• Nuclear weapons
The golden period of the Ummah saw many technological developments. Muslims utilised technology which Europe at that time could not even dream of. For example, some of the technology we take for granted today would not have existed if mathematical concepts such as algebra did not develop during the golden period of Islam. Computers which are used today would not have been possible if mathematical concepts such as algorithms did not exist. Many scholars such as Donald Routledge Hill express the view that Islam was the driving force behind the Muslim achievements while Robert Briffault even sees Islamic science as the foundation of modern science.
Oliver Joseph Lodge wrote in the Pioneers of Science: “The only effective link between the old and the new science is afforded by the Arabs (Muslims). The dark ages come as an utter gap in the scientific history of Europe, and for more than a thousand years there was not a scientific man of note except in Arabia”
Through the application of Islam, the Ummah was bound by the Islamic systems, this allowed Muslims and non-Muslims to live in peace and security. The Muslim Ummah has to return to its previous position, the one of leadership and honour as this is the only position that will save the Muslim Ummah from the crisis it is currently facing.
If the Khilafah existed today, it would embrace technology, develop an economy that distributes wealth efficiently and establish law and order. The key to a successful state is to have a government that actually takes care of its citizens, as this will allow the Ummah to make advances since their basic needs are being taken care of. Islam makes it an obligation upon the ruler to fulfil the rights of its citizens and this is the reason why the Khilafah was successful in the past. The Khilafah will make use of its resources so that the needs of its citizens are met. Whereas today, the Ummah with its great reserves of mineral resources labours in poverty. No individual or company will have a monopoly over basic utilities that are essential to the Khilafah such as the water sources and oil wells because the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said in a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud:
“The people are partners in three things: water, green pastures and fire (energy).”
The Muslim lands have no shortage of energy resources; however most of the Muslim lands suffer from load shedding and crumbling infrastructure. The majority of the Muslim world faces an energy crisis. The root problem of the energy crisis within the Muslim world is the attempts by many governments in privatising such resources. Privatisation has lead to increased prices of such basic commodities which ensures the masses labour in poverty. The Khilafah brings its assets together and develops the necessary infrastructure so that the citizens of the Khilafah can benefit from them. The large oil reserves (56% of world oil reserves are in the Middle East, Source: EIA) which exist in the Middle East will be used to fulfil the basic energy requirements of the citizens of the Khilafah as energy commodities will be transferred to all parts of the state. This energy policy is one example of what the Khilafah can do to develop
A number of Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Indonesia and Turkey have developed aspects of their industry that has allowed them to make technological advancements, especially in their military industries.
Pakistan has been successful in developing defence hardware such as cruise missiles which are capable of carrying nuclear warheads, aircrafts and the famous Al – Khalid tank (ranked 7th amongst tanks). If the Muslim armies were to unite under one leader, this army would be the largest army in the world with a force of over 3 million personnel.
The Muslim lands have many strengths and advantages. One key advantage that a united Muslim world has, is control over strategic international airspace and naval straits. During the time of Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih, the Muslims had control over the straits of Bosphorus and ships of other nations could only pass through the Bosphorus if the Islamic state gave permission. In the same way the Khilafah will have control over key strategic straits such as the Bosphorus and Hormuz and control over the airspace that comes under the lands it controls; hence the Khilafah will decide which nation can travel through its straits and fly over its airspace. As a result countries such as the US will find it hard to launch attacks on the Muslim world as the Khilafah will restrict American manoeuvrability.
If the US was not allowed to pass through the straits of Hormuz and use the airspace of Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, it would have been very difficult for the US to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. Fighter Jets cannot fly non-stop from the US to Iraq or Afghanistan, hence the US requires local air bases and aircraft carriers for its operations.
The Khilafah will face many challenges on its emergence and this cannot be underestimated. Due to this, achieving technological development and improving the current situation of the Muslim world will take time, however the key issue is that a united Muslim world has the potential to become a super power. In the current climate the Muslim world has achieved certain milestones and if a sincere Islamic leadership arises, this leadership will guide the Muslim world to new heights and the Khilafah will become the beacon of light for the whole of mankind InshAllah.
The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “Indeed Allah gathered up the earth for me so that I saw its eastern and western parts, and indeed the dominion of my Ummah will reach what was gathered up for me from it.” [Sahih Muslim]
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil alamiin.
When one thinks of the Muslim world, it conjures up images of poverty, corruption and war. Many negative connotations exist about the state of the Muslim world which continues to occupy news space and newspapers. The global media tends to neglect the achievements of the Muslim world and the contributions it made to humanity. The Muslim world has a rich history of development and discovery, the results of which are being reaped today.
Over the last decade, the call for a united Islamic world i.e. the Khilafah has gained momentum and this momentum continues to grow. The possibility of a united Muslim world behind one ruler (Khaleefah) is something that the Muslim Ummah can achieve as this was achieved in the past and even western historians have testified to this fact. The Muslim lands currently posses:
• The Largest population in the world, 1.6 billion
• Largest army in the world
• Control of half of the world’s oil and many other natural resources
• Control key strategic naval straits (A third of the world’s oil travels through the straits of Hormuz which is between Iran and UAE) and airspace
• Largest land mass
• Nuclear weapons
The golden period of the Ummah saw many technological developments. Muslims utilised technology which Europe at that time could not even dream of. For example, some of the technology we take for granted today would not have existed if mathematical concepts such as algebra did not develop during the golden period of Islam. Computers which are used today would not have been possible if mathematical concepts such as algorithms did not exist. Many scholars such as Donald Routledge Hill express the view that Islam was the driving force behind the Muslim achievements while Robert Briffault even sees Islamic science as the foundation of modern science.
Oliver Joseph Lodge wrote in the Pioneers of Science: “The only effective link between the old and the new science is afforded by the Arabs (Muslims). The dark ages come as an utter gap in the scientific history of Europe, and for more than a thousand years there was not a scientific man of note except in Arabia”
Through the application of Islam, the Ummah was bound by the Islamic systems, this allowed Muslims and non-Muslims to live in peace and security. The Muslim Ummah has to return to its previous position, the one of leadership and honour as this is the only position that will save the Muslim Ummah from the crisis it is currently facing.
If the Khilafah existed today, it would embrace technology, develop an economy that distributes wealth efficiently and establish law and order. The key to a successful state is to have a government that actually takes care of its citizens, as this will allow the Ummah to make advances since their basic needs are being taken care of. Islam makes it an obligation upon the ruler to fulfil the rights of its citizens and this is the reason why the Khilafah was successful in the past. The Khilafah will make use of its resources so that the needs of its citizens are met. Whereas today, the Ummah with its great reserves of mineral resources labours in poverty. No individual or company will have a monopoly over basic utilities that are essential to the Khilafah such as the water sources and oil wells because the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم said in a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud:
“The people are partners in three things: water, green pastures and fire (energy).”
The Muslim lands have no shortage of energy resources; however most of the Muslim lands suffer from load shedding and crumbling infrastructure. The majority of the Muslim world faces an energy crisis. The root problem of the energy crisis within the Muslim world is the attempts by many governments in privatising such resources. Privatisation has lead to increased prices of such basic commodities which ensures the masses labour in poverty. The Khilafah brings its assets together and develops the necessary infrastructure so that the citizens of the Khilafah can benefit from them. The large oil reserves (56% of world oil reserves are in the Middle East, Source: EIA) which exist in the Middle East will be used to fulfil the basic energy requirements of the citizens of the Khilafah as energy commodities will be transferred to all parts of the state. This energy policy is one example of what the Khilafah can do to develop
A number of Muslim countries such as Pakistan, Indonesia and Turkey have developed aspects of their industry that has allowed them to make technological advancements, especially in their military industries.
Pakistan has been successful in developing defence hardware such as cruise missiles which are capable of carrying nuclear warheads, aircrafts and the famous Al – Khalid tank (ranked 7th amongst tanks). If the Muslim armies were to unite under one leader, this army would be the largest army in the world with a force of over 3 million personnel.
The Muslim lands have many strengths and advantages. One key advantage that a united Muslim world has, is control over strategic international airspace and naval straits. During the time of Sultan Muhammad Al Fatih, the Muslims had control over the straits of Bosphorus and ships of other nations could only pass through the Bosphorus if the Islamic state gave permission. In the same way the Khilafah will have control over key strategic straits such as the Bosphorus and Hormuz and control over the airspace that comes under the lands it controls; hence the Khilafah will decide which nation can travel through its straits and fly over its airspace. As a result countries such as the US will find it hard to launch attacks on the Muslim world as the Khilafah will restrict American manoeuvrability.
If the US was not allowed to pass through the straits of Hormuz and use the airspace of Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, it would have been very difficult for the US to attack Iraq and Afghanistan. Fighter Jets cannot fly non-stop from the US to Iraq or Afghanistan, hence the US requires local air bases and aircraft carriers for its operations.
The Khilafah will face many challenges on its emergence and this cannot be underestimated. Due to this, achieving technological development and improving the current situation of the Muslim world will take time, however the key issue is that a united Muslim world has the potential to become a super power. In the current climate the Muslim world has achieved certain milestones and if a sincere Islamic leadership arises, this leadership will guide the Muslim world to new heights and the Khilafah will become the beacon of light for the whole of mankind InshAllah.
The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, “Indeed Allah gathered up the earth for me so that I saw its eastern and western parts, and indeed the dominion of my Ummah will reach what was gathered up for me from it.” [Sahih Muslim]
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil alamiin.
Economic Colonisation: The Forgotten Killer
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahiim,
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Hitler’s Henchman Joseph Goebbels
"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."
G. W. Bush
Many will argue that these statements can be applied to the rhetoric on the war on terror; the so called imminent danger, the potential loss of many innocent lives.
But how real is this threat? How many of us are suffering the consequences of daily attacks? Many of us were shocked and saddened by the events of 7/7, but since then what has happened? Not many of us live in constant fear. The media constantly spews a climate of fear, fraudulently attempting to terrify the masses into believing that terrorism is the only plague to our otherwise civilised world. But even in the 21st century, a century of abundance and waste, a war on want would save far more lives than any war on terror!
What terrorist has murdered millions or destroyed nations? The answer does not come from a race, religious group or a political party, but a force that has mass support across the political spectrum. This terrorist is called “Debt,” the most efficient killer in the world.
'Relieved of their annual debt repayments, the severely indebted countries could use the funds for investments that in Africa alone would save the lives of about 21 million children by 2000 and provide 90 million girls and women with access to basic education.'
UNDP Human Development Report 1997, p. 93
Ten years after the UNDP report, it is evident that politics have not changed and debt repayments continue, the sum of which is beyond both decency and taste. Those who benefit from these debt repayments are those who bank roll institutions like the IMF, the World Bank and the Paris Club. These are the high rollers, multi-millionaires or billionaires and Western Central Banks. It is this way that wealth flows from the very poorest people in the world to the richest.
‘God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East ' proclaimed Bush in 2006. Why doesn’t his God instruct him to deal with poverty and debt? Perhaps he is really listening to the rich and influential and not God at all!
Even so, economists have continued to inform the world (the eager poor to be precise) that there will be enough growth in wealth for everybody, and they are right, everyone can be fed and provided with shelter and clothing. However, the reality is so very different.
Furthermore economists have been telling the world (the eager poor to be precise) that there will be enough growth and wealth for everyone. They are right, everyone can be fed and be provided with shelter and clothing. But the reality is so very different; we live in an unequal world.
“225 people own more wealth than the poorest 2.5 billion people"
UNDP Human Development Report 1998
So who is driving this force of mass indiscriminate killing?
"There is a very broad consensus among African governments that the IMF and World Bank terms are often harsh and unsuitable generated severely adverse effects on the overall economies of these countries especially with regard to agriculture, manufacture and foreign trade"
Conference of the Institute for African Alternatives, Onimode, B. [ed.], The IMF, the World Bank Bank and African Debt, Zed Books, 1989.
Capitalism itself relies on the philosophy of self-interest, profit maximisation and greed to enhance production. This leads to a desire to control all available resources to harness their economic potential. Practically it leads to the rich and powerful seeking to control the financial affairs of as much of humanity as possible. The capitalist economic system itself that dominates the world directly leads to this situation. It does indeed produce growth and wealth. Never has the world been as wealthy as it is today, but this wealth does not find its way to the poor and this is its perpetual weakness.
So what can we do? What is the solution?
Well first off, charity pop concerts are not the solution. The good willed people of Britain attending charity concerts to end poverty have been (deliberately I may add) given false hopes. The millions raised are barely enough to pay off the interest Africa has accrued for a few hours.
Some $700 million per day now flows in debt repayment from the developing world to the developed world
UNDP Human Development Report, 1997
Evidently, even if we had a concert a day, it would not be enough. We would need at least 700 concerts a day. If you attempt to transform a system from within, the system changes you. Therefore, a new model, a new paradigm, a fresh perspective on this issue is needed. If we all want to stop this rampant killer that is responsible for the equivalent of 21,000 9/11’s and over a million 7/7’s each year, then we must provide a sincere and valid solution.
"…and give up what remains of your demand for interest… Deal not unjustly and you shall not be dealt with unjustly” 2: 278-279
“…Freeing a slave or feeding on a day of hunger an orphaned relative or a poor man in the dust; then to be one of those who have iman and urge each other to steadfastness and urge each other to compassion…” Surat al-Balad: 13-17
“…that is because they say, 'Trade is the same as interest.' But God has permitted trade and He has forbidden usury.” 2:275
“Give your relatives their due, and the very poor ….” Surat al-Isra': 26
It is a lie that the current financial world order is fair to the poor or that developed nations are not directly responsible for the exploitation of the resources of the poorest people on this earth. It is a lie that these economic policies do not directly kill millions. It is true that the capitalist economic system itself is responsible for the death of tens of millions of human beings. It is time for a war on want.
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil alamiin.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Hitler’s Henchman Joseph Goebbels
"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."
G. W. Bush
Many will argue that these statements can be applied to the rhetoric on the war on terror; the so called imminent danger, the potential loss of many innocent lives.
But how real is this threat? How many of us are suffering the consequences of daily attacks? Many of us were shocked and saddened by the events of 7/7, but since then what has happened? Not many of us live in constant fear. The media constantly spews a climate of fear, fraudulently attempting to terrify the masses into believing that terrorism is the only plague to our otherwise civilised world. But even in the 21st century, a century of abundance and waste, a war on want would save far more lives than any war on terror!
What terrorist has murdered millions or destroyed nations? The answer does not come from a race, religious group or a political party, but a force that has mass support across the political spectrum. This terrorist is called “Debt,” the most efficient killer in the world.
'Relieved of their annual debt repayments, the severely indebted countries could use the funds for investments that in Africa alone would save the lives of about 21 million children by 2000 and provide 90 million girls and women with access to basic education.'
UNDP Human Development Report 1997, p. 93
Ten years after the UNDP report, it is evident that politics have not changed and debt repayments continue, the sum of which is beyond both decency and taste. Those who benefit from these debt repayments are those who bank roll institutions like the IMF, the World Bank and the Paris Club. These are the high rollers, multi-millionaires or billionaires and Western Central Banks. It is this way that wealth flows from the very poorest people in the world to the richest.
‘God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East ' proclaimed Bush in 2006. Why doesn’t his God instruct him to deal with poverty and debt? Perhaps he is really listening to the rich and influential and not God at all!
Even so, economists have continued to inform the world (the eager poor to be precise) that there will be enough growth in wealth for everybody, and they are right, everyone can be fed and provided with shelter and clothing. However, the reality is so very different.
Furthermore economists have been telling the world (the eager poor to be precise) that there will be enough growth and wealth for everyone. They are right, everyone can be fed and be provided with shelter and clothing. But the reality is so very different; we live in an unequal world.
“225 people own more wealth than the poorest 2.5 billion people"
UNDP Human Development Report 1998
So who is driving this force of mass indiscriminate killing?
"There is a very broad consensus among African governments that the IMF and World Bank terms are often harsh and unsuitable generated severely adverse effects on the overall economies of these countries especially with regard to agriculture, manufacture and foreign trade"
Conference of the Institute for African Alternatives, Onimode, B. [ed.], The IMF, the World Bank Bank and African Debt, Zed Books, 1989.
Capitalism itself relies on the philosophy of self-interest, profit maximisation and greed to enhance production. This leads to a desire to control all available resources to harness their economic potential. Practically it leads to the rich and powerful seeking to control the financial affairs of as much of humanity as possible. The capitalist economic system itself that dominates the world directly leads to this situation. It does indeed produce growth and wealth. Never has the world been as wealthy as it is today, but this wealth does not find its way to the poor and this is its perpetual weakness.
So what can we do? What is the solution?
Well first off, charity pop concerts are not the solution. The good willed people of Britain attending charity concerts to end poverty have been (deliberately I may add) given false hopes. The millions raised are barely enough to pay off the interest Africa has accrued for a few hours.
Some $700 million per day now flows in debt repayment from the developing world to the developed world
UNDP Human Development Report, 1997
Evidently, even if we had a concert a day, it would not be enough. We would need at least 700 concerts a day. If you attempt to transform a system from within, the system changes you. Therefore, a new model, a new paradigm, a fresh perspective on this issue is needed. If we all want to stop this rampant killer that is responsible for the equivalent of 21,000 9/11’s and over a million 7/7’s each year, then we must provide a sincere and valid solution.
"…and give up what remains of your demand for interest… Deal not unjustly and you shall not be dealt with unjustly” 2: 278-279
“…Freeing a slave or feeding on a day of hunger an orphaned relative or a poor man in the dust; then to be one of those who have iman and urge each other to steadfastness and urge each other to compassion…” Surat al-Balad: 13-17
“…that is because they say, 'Trade is the same as interest.' But God has permitted trade and He has forbidden usury.” 2:275
“Give your relatives their due, and the very poor ….” Surat al-Isra': 26
It is a lie that the current financial world order is fair to the poor or that developed nations are not directly responsible for the exploitation of the resources of the poorest people on this earth. It is a lie that these economic policies do not directly kill millions. It is true that the capitalist economic system itself is responsible for the death of tens of millions of human beings. It is time for a war on want.
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil alamiin.
The following article is based on the book Funds in the Khilafah State which is a translation of Al-Amwal fi Dowlat Al-Khilafah by Abdul-Qadeem Zalloom.
Bismillahir Rahmannir Rahiim,
Allah (swt) has revealed a comprehensive economic system that details all aspects of economic life including government revenues and taxation. In origin, the permanent sources of revenue for the Bait ul-Mal (State Treasury) should be sufficient to cover the obligatory expenditure of the Islamic State. These revenues that Shar’a (Islamic Law) has defined are: Fa’i, Jizya, Kharaj, Ushur, and income from Public properties.
The financial burdens placed on modern states today are far higher than in previous times. When the Caliphate is re-established it will need to finance a huge re-development and industrial programme to reverse centuries of decline, and bring the Muslim world fully into the 21st century. Because of this, the Bait ul-Mal’s permanent sources of revenue may be insufficient to cover all the needs and interests the Caliphate is obliged to spend upon. In such a situation where the Bait ul-Mal’s revenues are insufficient to meet the Caliphate’s budgetary requirements, the Islamic obligation transfers from the Bait ul-Mal to the Muslims as a whole.
This is because Allah (swt) has obliged the Muslims to spend on these needs and interests, and their failure to spend on them will lead to the harming of Muslims. Allah (swt) obliged the State and the Ummah to remove any harm from the Muslims.
It was related on the authority of Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, (ra), that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “It is not allowed to do harm nor to allow being harmed.” [Ibn Majah, Al-Daraqutni]
Therefore, Allah (swt) has obliged the State to collect money from the Muslims in order to cover its obligatory expenditure. The State achieves this by imposing taxes upon the Muslims such that these needs and interests are met without being exceeded. These taxes should only be taken from people’s surplus wealth. This wealth is what is left after someone has spent on his basic needs, and also his luxuries according to the normal standard of living.
There are six areas of expenditure the Bait ul-Mal is obliged to spend upon. If insufficient funds are available then taxes will be imposed upon the Muslims to meet the expenditure. These areas are:
1. The expenditure upon Jihad and what is necessary for it.
2. Expenditure on military industries
3. Spending on the poor, needy and wayfarers.
4. Expenses such as the salaries of soldiers, civil servants, judges, teachers and the like who provide services for the benefit of the Ummah.
5. Expenses due in the form of services and caring of the Ummah.
6. Expenditure upon emergencies like famines, earthquakes, floods and enemy attacks.
1. The expenditure upon Jihad and what is necessary for it
The Islamic State is obliged to establish powerful and highly trained armed forces. These armed forces must be prepared with the latest and most sophisticated weapons such that their quality and quantity deter, subdue and frighten the enemy. These forces will liberate our lands from occupation, terminate the influence of the Kuffar in the Muslim world, and aid the state in conveying Islam to the world.
Expenditure on Jihad and what is necessary for it is one of the rights due upon the Bait ul-Mal whether there are funds in the Bait ul-Mal or not. If there are funds available, then they are spent on Jihad and its requirements. If there are no funds, then the duty of spending on Jihad, as long as Jihad is obligatory and designated, transfers from the Bait ul-Mal to the Muslims, since Jihad is obligatory upon Muslims by wealth and person.
Allah (swt) says:
“So go out, no matter whether you are lightly or heavily armed, and struggle in Allah’sway with your possessions and your persons: this is better for you, if you only knew.” [TMQ At-Tawba: 9:41]
Anas (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Fight the polytheists with your wealth, lives and tongues.” [Abu Dawud]
In addition, there are tens of Ayaat and Ahadith that oblige Jihad by wealth and person upon the Muslims.
In the situation where there are no funds in the Bait ul-Mal to spend on Jihad and its requirements, the State must encourage Muslims to contribute voluntarily to Jihad as the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to do.
Abdur Rahman bin Khabbab as-Salmi said: “The Prophet (saw) gave a Khutbah (speech) and encouraged [people to donate] regarding the army of difficulty, so Uthman bin Affan said: ‘Upon me are 100 camels with their saddle-blankets and saddle bags.’ Then he (saw) descended the steps of the pulpit (Mimbar) and encouraged again, so Uthman said: ‘Upon me are another 100 with their saddle-blankets and saddle bags.’” [Ahmed]
Hudhayfa bin al-Yaman said: “The Prophet (saw) sent a request to Uthman seeking assistance from him for the army of difficulty, so Uthman sent to him 10,000 Dinars which were poured before him. The Prophet (saw) began turning them before him while praying for him and he (saw) said: ‘May Allah forgive you, O Uthman, for what you have made secret, what you have revealed, what you have hidden, and all that will be until the Hour comes. Uthman should not mind of any action he does after this.’”
If the voluntary contributions of the Muslims are insufficient to cover the designated Jihad, then the State will impose taxes upon Muslims up to the amount necessary and no more, to cover the expenditure. It is not allowed for the State to tax more than is required.
2. Expenditure on military industries
The Islamic State is obliged to establish military and other associated industries to enable the manufacturing of the latest and most sophisticated weapons and equipment for the armed forces. This is because Jihad requires an army, and the army requires weapons so that it can fight. Building highly effective and powerful weapons requires manufacturing. Therefore the military weapons industry has a close relationship with Jihad.
For the State to be in full control of her affairs, and free from the influence and control of other states, she must undertake the production and development of her own weapons especially its vital weapons. This is so that the State has the most modern and developed weapons, irrespective of how much weapons develop and advance. Also the State must have under her control all that she requires of weapons to scare every enemy whether open or hidden, according to the State’s international position.
The absence of these military factories in the Ummah makes Muslims dependent upon Kafir states for armament, a matter which may make the Muslims political will and decision making subject to the will and decisions of the Kuffar. These Kafir states do not sell weapons except with conditions attached that fulfil their interests, and this would inflict the most terrible harm upon the Ummah.
Establishing of these factories is therefore obligatory upon Muslims from the texts of the Ayaat and Ahadith that oblige Jihad upon Muslims by wealth and person by the indispensable indication (Dalalat al-Iltizam). This is because Jihad depends upon weapons and weapons require industry. This is also indicated by the saying of Allah (swt):
وَأَعِدُّواْ لَهُم مَّا اسْتَطَعْتُم مِّن قُوَّةٍ وَمِن رِّبَاطِ الْخَيْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدْوَّ اللّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ وَآخَرِينَ مِن دُونِهِمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَهُمُ اللّهُ يَعْلَمُهُمْ
“Prepare whatever forces you [believers] can muster, including warhorses, to frighten off Allah’s enemies and yours, and warn others unknown to you but known to Allah.” [TMQ Al-Anfal: 8:60]
The preparation ordered by Allah (swt) is the preparation which achieves the terrorising of the enemies, whether they are open, hidden or potential enemies. This terror depends upon acquiring vital and developed weapons of the highest level, and acquiring of such weapons depends upon establishing factories. Therefore, this Ayah indicates the obligation upon the Ummah to establish factories by the indispensable indication (Dalalat al-Iltizam).
Moreover, the absence of these factories inflicts a terrible harm upon the Ummah, and removing harm from the Ummah is obligatory. The removal of this harm will not be achieved except by establishing military, manufacturing and other associated industries.
It is permissible for individuals within the Ummah to establish all or some of these industries to manufacture the necessary weapons. If however, they do not establish them, or they only establish some of them, then the State is obliged to build factories necessary to produce all the weapons and equipment the armed forces need.
Building these factories is one of the obligatory rights upon Bait ul-Mal, whether there are funds in it or not. If funds are present, then they are spent to build these factories. If there are no funds available then the financial obligation transfers to the Ummah. In this case the state introduces a tax in order to raise the necessary funds, irrespective of the amount.
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil alamiin.
Allah (swt) has revealed a comprehensive economic system that details all aspects of economic life including government revenues and taxation. In origin, the permanent sources of revenue for the Bait ul-Mal (State Treasury) should be sufficient to cover the obligatory expenditure of the Islamic State. These revenues that Shar’a (Islamic Law) has defined are: Fa’i, Jizya, Kharaj, Ushur, and income from Public properties.
The financial burdens placed on modern states today are far higher than in previous times. When the Caliphate is re-established it will need to finance a huge re-development and industrial programme to reverse centuries of decline, and bring the Muslim world fully into the 21st century. Because of this, the Bait ul-Mal’s permanent sources of revenue may be insufficient to cover all the needs and interests the Caliphate is obliged to spend upon. In such a situation where the Bait ul-Mal’s revenues are insufficient to meet the Caliphate’s budgetary requirements, the Islamic obligation transfers from the Bait ul-Mal to the Muslims as a whole.
This is because Allah (swt) has obliged the Muslims to spend on these needs and interests, and their failure to spend on them will lead to the harming of Muslims. Allah (swt) obliged the State and the Ummah to remove any harm from the Muslims.
It was related on the authority of Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, (ra), that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “It is not allowed to do harm nor to allow being harmed.” [Ibn Majah, Al-Daraqutni]
Therefore, Allah (swt) has obliged the State to collect money from the Muslims in order to cover its obligatory expenditure. The State achieves this by imposing taxes upon the Muslims such that these needs and interests are met without being exceeded. These taxes should only be taken from people’s surplus wealth. This wealth is what is left after someone has spent on his basic needs, and also his luxuries according to the normal standard of living.
There are six areas of expenditure the Bait ul-Mal is obliged to spend upon. If insufficient funds are available then taxes will be imposed upon the Muslims to meet the expenditure. These areas are:
1. The expenditure upon Jihad and what is necessary for it.
2. Expenditure on military industries
3. Spending on the poor, needy and wayfarers.
4. Expenses such as the salaries of soldiers, civil servants, judges, teachers and the like who provide services for the benefit of the Ummah.
5. Expenses due in the form of services and caring of the Ummah.
6. Expenditure upon emergencies like famines, earthquakes, floods and enemy attacks.
1. The expenditure upon Jihad and what is necessary for it
The Islamic State is obliged to establish powerful and highly trained armed forces. These armed forces must be prepared with the latest and most sophisticated weapons such that their quality and quantity deter, subdue and frighten the enemy. These forces will liberate our lands from occupation, terminate the influence of the Kuffar in the Muslim world, and aid the state in conveying Islam to the world.
Expenditure on Jihad and what is necessary for it is one of the rights due upon the Bait ul-Mal whether there are funds in the Bait ul-Mal or not. If there are funds available, then they are spent on Jihad and its requirements. If there are no funds, then the duty of spending on Jihad, as long as Jihad is obligatory and designated, transfers from the Bait ul-Mal to the Muslims, since Jihad is obligatory upon Muslims by wealth and person.
Allah (swt) says:
انْفِرُواْ خِفَافًا وَثِقَالاً وَجَاهِدُواْ بِأَمْوَالِكُمْ وَأَنفُسِكُمْ فِي سَبِيلِ اللّهِ ذَلِكُمْ خَيْرٌ لَّكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ
“So go out, no matter whether you are lightly or heavily armed, and struggle in Allah’sway with your possessions and your persons: this is better for you, if you only knew.” [TMQ At-Tawba: 9:41]
Anas (ra) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (saw) said: “Fight the polytheists with your wealth, lives and tongues.” [Abu Dawud]
In addition, there are tens of Ayaat and Ahadith that oblige Jihad by wealth and person upon the Muslims.
In the situation where there are no funds in the Bait ul-Mal to spend on Jihad and its requirements, the State must encourage Muslims to contribute voluntarily to Jihad as the Messenger of Allah (saw) used to do.
Abdur Rahman bin Khabbab as-Salmi said: “The Prophet (saw) gave a Khutbah (speech) and encouraged [people to donate] regarding the army of difficulty, so Uthman bin Affan said: ‘Upon me are 100 camels with their saddle-blankets and saddle bags.’ Then he (saw) descended the steps of the pulpit (Mimbar) and encouraged again, so Uthman said: ‘Upon me are another 100 with their saddle-blankets and saddle bags.’” [Ahmed]
Hudhayfa bin al-Yaman said: “The Prophet (saw) sent a request to Uthman seeking assistance from him for the army of difficulty, so Uthman sent to him 10,000 Dinars which were poured before him. The Prophet (saw) began turning them before him while praying for him and he (saw) said: ‘May Allah forgive you, O Uthman, for what you have made secret, what you have revealed, what you have hidden, and all that will be until the Hour comes. Uthman should not mind of any action he does after this.’”
If the voluntary contributions of the Muslims are insufficient to cover the designated Jihad, then the State will impose taxes upon Muslims up to the amount necessary and no more, to cover the expenditure. It is not allowed for the State to tax more than is required.
2. Expenditure on military industries
The Islamic State is obliged to establish military and other associated industries to enable the manufacturing of the latest and most sophisticated weapons and equipment for the armed forces. This is because Jihad requires an army, and the army requires weapons so that it can fight. Building highly effective and powerful weapons requires manufacturing. Therefore the military weapons industry has a close relationship with Jihad.
For the State to be in full control of her affairs, and free from the influence and control of other states, she must undertake the production and development of her own weapons especially its vital weapons. This is so that the State has the most modern and developed weapons, irrespective of how much weapons develop and advance. Also the State must have under her control all that she requires of weapons to scare every enemy whether open or hidden, according to the State’s international position.
The absence of these military factories in the Ummah makes Muslims dependent upon Kafir states for armament, a matter which may make the Muslims political will and decision making subject to the will and decisions of the Kuffar. These Kafir states do not sell weapons except with conditions attached that fulfil their interests, and this would inflict the most terrible harm upon the Ummah.
Establishing of these factories is therefore obligatory upon Muslims from the texts of the Ayaat and Ahadith that oblige Jihad upon Muslims by wealth and person by the indispensable indication (Dalalat al-Iltizam). This is because Jihad depends upon weapons and weapons require industry. This is also indicated by the saying of Allah (swt):
وَأَعِدُّواْ لَهُم مَّا اسْتَطَعْتُم مِّن قُوَّةٍ وَمِن رِّبَاطِ الْخَيْلِ تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدْوَّ اللّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ وَآخَرِينَ مِن دُونِهِمْ لاَ تَعْلَمُونَهُمُ اللّهُ يَعْلَمُهُمْ
“Prepare whatever forces you [believers] can muster, including warhorses, to frighten off Allah’s enemies and yours, and warn others unknown to you but known to Allah.” [TMQ Al-Anfal: 8:60]
The preparation ordered by Allah (swt) is the preparation which achieves the terrorising of the enemies, whether they are open, hidden or potential enemies. This terror depends upon acquiring vital and developed weapons of the highest level, and acquiring of such weapons depends upon establishing factories. Therefore, this Ayah indicates the obligation upon the Ummah to establish factories by the indispensable indication (Dalalat al-Iltizam).
Moreover, the absence of these factories inflicts a terrible harm upon the Ummah, and removing harm from the Ummah is obligatory. The removal of this harm will not be achieved except by establishing military, manufacturing and other associated industries.
It is permissible for individuals within the Ummah to establish all or some of these industries to manufacture the necessary weapons. If however, they do not establish them, or they only establish some of them, then the State is obliged to build factories necessary to produce all the weapons and equipment the armed forces need.
Building these factories is one of the obligatory rights upon Bait ul-Mal, whether there are funds in it or not. If funds are present, then they are spent to build these factories. If there are no funds available then the financial obligation transfers to the Ummah. In this case the state introduces a tax in order to raise the necessary funds, irrespective of the amount.
Walhamdulilahi Rabbil alamiin.
Pamit Rindu Ku
Kita, kau dan aku tuntas melewati pagi-sore bahkan
Malam diguncah kepenatan.
Kebersamaan kita pun padat pada cerita dan kenagan.
Deru ombak modernisasi kembali mendengung,
Bikin Pecah gending telinga kesabaran.
Tapi ini kenyataan,
Kehidupan yang selalu mengingatkan kita.
Pertemuan tidak selalu milik perpisahan.
Kita, kau dan aku banyak belajar dari kerja,
Omongan atau diam.
Aneh! Sempat juga hati berbunga
Dan pikiran mekar. Asyik! Banyak imbal beri manfaat,
Hingga tahu fungsinya belajar!
Kita, kau dan aku menunggal dalam sebuah dunia,
Di sini, kemarin kita suntuk belajar, mengejar mimpi
Yang tak terbeli.
Menggadai nasib pada rentenir pradaban, sistem kepemilikan.
Kita, kau dan aku diprogram jadual dan waktu,
Semua kini berlalu, di sini berahir seluruhnya.
Belum tuntas kita wajib pulang
pada kehidupan masing-masing, kembali pada rutin,
Pulang kerumah kita sendiri.
Kini, di sini, pamit rinduku bukan untuk berpisah. Tapi,
Melanjutkan perjalanan, menata hidup untuk sebuah pertemuan abadi
“Selamat Jalan” tidak berarti “Selamat Tinggal”.
Tapi, Perpisahan adalah ruang dalam kehidupan.
Kau harus tahu, di sini, aku setia merawat awal (pertemuan),
Hingga ia tidak pernah bosan dan tak sedetik pun akhir (perpisahan) mencurinya dari ku.
Karena pertemuan denganmu adalah awal sekaligus akhir bagai nafas dalam kehidupan.
Pamit rinduku adalah beribu memori, abadi dalam nurani.
Malam diguncah kepenatan.
Kebersamaan kita pun padat pada cerita dan kenagan.
Deru ombak modernisasi kembali mendengung,
Bikin Pecah gending telinga kesabaran.
Tapi ini kenyataan,
Kehidupan yang selalu mengingatkan kita.
Pertemuan tidak selalu milik perpisahan.
Kita, kau dan aku banyak belajar dari kerja,
Omongan atau diam.
Aneh! Sempat juga hati berbunga
Dan pikiran mekar. Asyik! Banyak imbal beri manfaat,
Hingga tahu fungsinya belajar!
Kita, kau dan aku menunggal dalam sebuah dunia,
Di sini, kemarin kita suntuk belajar, mengejar mimpi
Yang tak terbeli.
Menggadai nasib pada rentenir pradaban, sistem kepemilikan.
Kita, kau dan aku diprogram jadual dan waktu,
Semua kini berlalu, di sini berahir seluruhnya.
Belum tuntas kita wajib pulang
pada kehidupan masing-masing, kembali pada rutin,
Pulang kerumah kita sendiri.
Kini, di sini, pamit rinduku bukan untuk berpisah. Tapi,
Melanjutkan perjalanan, menata hidup untuk sebuah pertemuan abadi
“Selamat Jalan” tidak berarti “Selamat Tinggal”.
Tapi, Perpisahan adalah ruang dalam kehidupan.
Kau harus tahu, di sini, aku setia merawat awal (pertemuan),
Hingga ia tidak pernah bosan dan tak sedetik pun akhir (perpisahan) mencurinya dari ku.
Karena pertemuan denganmu adalah awal sekaligus akhir bagai nafas dalam kehidupan.
Pamit rinduku adalah beribu memori, abadi dalam nurani.
Apa Sich?
Apa artinya hubungan,ikatan dan komitmen? Kenapa curahan hati, kasih sayang, kerinduan, Meski didahului oleh hubungan? Apa makna hubungan dikehidupan mu? Tak adakah sedikit celah kebolehan untukku Sekedar mengagumimu-menyayangimu? Lalu… Beri tahukan aku makna hubungan !!. Mengapa ia pun harus menyayangi dulu, Kemudian ia terima pernak-pernik kerinduanku. Temanku berkata: “Kamu ini gimana sich ?” mana bisa Ia berbaik hati, bila ia tidak menaruh simpati padamu. “Kau kan harus jadi pacarnya…” Ah…semua itu tidak benar !!. Ini pasti kesalahan warisan dari nenek moyang kamu, Lalu kalian pojokan aku dalam kesalahan. Padahal Aku punya segala cinta, kasih sayang dan kerinduan. Apa sich makna hubungan buatmu-buatku- buat kalian semua? Kenapa rindu dan kasih sayang harus terlantarkan Hanya karena tidak ada hubungan,ikatan dan komitmen. |
Semesra malam menggandeng bulan
Aku ingin mengenalmu
lebih dekat lagi
; bolehkah?
Seindah pagi kau ku nanti
Dalam tarian yang terhenti
Sejuta rasa terselip dalam doa
; Mengertilah!
Sesulit langit merubah warna
Aku tak mudah memuntah kata
; Pahamilah!
Kau madu
kala rindu menusuk kalbu
Aku cinta kamu
; Percayailah?
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